Facebook links non-members
I am not on Facebook, but my email address is in many different people's address lists as they know me through my business.
Facebook joins the dots. All these idiots are uploading all of their email contacts to Facebook when they join. This means my email address is then associated with hundreds of different people. And none of them asked my permission to give my personal details to Facebook.
Facebook then sends me random invites. Someone invites me to join. (I guess there is a "invite all your contacts to join" button or something).
What always concerns me when I see these invites is what is also on that email. That email will include a list of "other people you may know on Facebook". The scary thing is, this list is always 6 to 8 people I DO know from different walks of life. Facebook has already made the links for my email address and who my "friends" may be!!
I get more concerned that they have also done this with my phone numbers via some new user. Each new user is adding a little bit more of the picture of my personal data, without my permission.
And then there is the photo recognition... when you are an outsider, you have no control over who is tagging you.
Even if you try and contact Facebook to ask them to stop sending the invites, you just end up in a deadend of web links which only work if you have a facebook login.
So I can see the point of the case. Not sure if they will get anywhere as how can you "prove" that Facebook is building profiles on us "outsiders"? It is not something I am massively concerned about, but it is annoying that it is going on. This is MY private data that they are abusing.