I'd probably buy it if it didn't use SecuROM.
Batman: Arkham City
Hung upside down over a vat of acid or strapped to a conveyor belt inching towards a blast furnace, Batman could always rely on technology to help him pull off an unlikely escape. That is if he... could... just... reach... his... utility belt, of course. Batman: Arkham City 'If this is a consular ship, then where is the …
Saturday 22nd October 2011 06:22 GMT Youngdog
I for one....
...will definitely be checking this. Made me think if a joke.
Bloke goes for a job interview and it's going really well - then the interviewer asks him what he thinks his biggest weakness is. Bloke says "well I often have trouble with reality you know? Being able to tell whats real and what is just idle daydreams or delusional fantasy". "Hmmm, very interesting" replied the interviewer "and what about your strengths?"
"I'm Batman"
He he
Monday 24th October 2011 10:35 GMT jai
bestr superhero game ever?
I have to concur.
But then, having spent every waking hour over the weekend playing the game, that's not surprising. And I'm not finished either. There's so much gameplay in there. Endless replayability too. Graphics look good. Storyline is okay. Appearances by tons of the major villains. And just difficult enough to stop it being boring, but at no point impossible and off-putting.
Thoroughly entertaining. What more can you want from a game? These days it seems many games focus too hard on the graphics or the gimmicks, and forget to make the game fun and enjoyable too. That's not a failing of Arkham City.