back to article Big Dane study finds no mobe cancer link

A Danish study has found there is no increased risk of brain cancer from mobile phone usage. Researchers at the Danish Cancer Society examined cancer rates in a sample of over 350,000 long-term mobile contract customers, and compared them against a sample of 3.2 million of the general population. There was no increased …


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  1. Kevin McMurtrie Silver badge

    People who wear clothes no different from general population

    "...and compared them against a sample of 3.2 million of the general population." What's the difference people who have phones and the general population? Probably not much today.

  2. Martin 34

    Conflcts of interest

    It would appear that Professor Anders Ahlbom has a conflict of interest since he is a director of his brothers firm Gunnar Ahlbom AB which wass established to help clients with "telecom issues" if the website linked below is to be believed. He was dropped from a panel of experts tasked with evaluating the cancer risks of mobile telephones by The International Agency for Research on Cancer.

    Can't read the actual study without singing up or possibly paying...

  3. peter 45



  4. asdf


    Who says Big Dane? At first I thought it said Big Daddy Kane.

  5. Pascal Monett Silver badge

    One question

    How are those who are interested in keeping the fear present going to succeed in demolishing the credibility of this study ?

    Because they're going to try.

  6. jake Silver badge

    Ionizing, nonionizing ...

    Spot the difference, win a cookie/biscuit.

    Or we can all wring our hands and wail "we're all gonna DIE!" ...

  7. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Flip side

    There was an interview on BBC4 with one of the "scientists" involved in that research.

    She said that bussiness users were NOT included !

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