back to article Security keeps LA cops away from Google Apps

Google has dismissed as a smear campaign the emergence of stories that its Google Apps implementation at LAPD is going pear-shaped. According to Consumer Watchdog, the rollout has hit snags, with the police deciding that security on the vaunted platform isn’t adequate for users in the City Attorney Criminal Branch, fire …


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  1. Gordon 10 Silver badge


    Those poor poor bastards. Still at least it's not Notes.

    1. Maverick

      not Notes?

      of course not, because then security wouldn't be an item for discussion

  2. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    That comment shows more about your ignorance than the situation at LAPD...

  3. MS Rocks

    Hah hah hah

    Google = Epic Fail

    Way to go Google, slag off your flagship customer in public. That will help fix the problems with your shoddy software.........

  4. James 100

    My sympathy

    My place's long-overdue burial of that braindead abomination is finally "just around the corner" - frankly, at this point I'd be happy to upgrade to carrier pigeons and/or revert to snail mail.

    Even the poor sod who runs those servers is dreaming of the day he can drag them outside and douse them in something highly flammable to make sure that infestation is deader than dead.

    Having said that, handing over all LAPD's internal mail to the "All your data are belong to us" crowd doesn't sound ideal either. Can't they just get a nice solid IMAP installation on their own hardware, and replicate it across two datacentres? Secure, reliable, no route for Google poking around in the data.

  5. Tom 13

    Sound like LA,

    just like the rest of the fruits and nuts in CA, can't really afford to pay their bills, so their looking for any excuse to stick somebody, anybody, else with the tab for it.

  6. dssf

    Title makes it sound as if

    Google Apps has TOUGH/HARDENED security. That was my take, until I realized otherwise.

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