Yet more Worthless and Baseless rumours
I heard exactly the same from a chinese guy in my local take away restaurant or was it a laundry, actually was he even chinese. In fact I am sure the iPad3 will appear and disappear from a bar near Cupertino in the next few weeks.
These unsubstantiated reports are worthless drivel that serve no useful purpose other than Market Analyst self promotion. Therefore disregard them.
As eloquently stated above Apple will do what it has always done, when its ready and I look forward to the real news rather than the spin-doctory these guys are pushing.
I have placed my order for the iPhone 4s, as my first personal smartphone and I look forward to receiving that in the coming week. The iPad I am still unconvinced as to what I would usefully use it for, so I am not a dyed in the wool "Appleite".
However I remain a huge fan of good design, smart user interfaces and genuinely useful products.
R.I.P. Steve.........