OK, Mr Trolly McTrollington, I'll feed:
let's look at your logic, if I may?
You say the iPhone is a flash in the pan.
Very difficult to quantify, but they have been around for, what, 4 years now and still selling out. Tech is very fickle, but, and please forgive me if I am teaching egg-sucking here , but currently it is Apple who are setting teh trends, not following them.
You then say that iPhone is dated and dying. Sales figures seem to contradict that.
You talk about 1,000s of purchases. Ramp it up youth, we are talking 1,000,000s of purchases which is a fuck lot more.
You finally equate people buying iPhones as just being sheep. But this is against the previous statement that iPhones are dead (which is incompatible with sheepiness behaviour) and miss the obvious point that Droids outsell iPhones by about 2 or 3 to 1 so if iPhone buyers are sheep then droid buyers are the sheep of sheep.
But, we can summarise it all as such:
You don't have enough money to buy an iPhone and that makes you sad. Which makes you lash out. Don't worry, one day you will leave school and get a job and then, if you work hard enough, you can buy whatever shiny stuff you want.