thats the final nail in my nokia coffin.
What fucking tone deaf ten thumbed talentless noise polluter A: invented this aural piece of excrement and B:which bunch of cunts voted it to win????
Earex all round...
Nokia has selected a winning ringtone, and either we're way too old to understand what the young things are listening to these days or Nokia has lost it completely. The competition asked people to play around with the iconic Nokia tones and produce something new and interesting, and there are some really good entries, but to …
Its almost as if 'like' competitions are just there to get a load of free advertising. I'm all in favour of ignoring the sort of crap that the general public think they ought to want, but only if the alternative is actually something interesting or worthwhile. Choosing instead something that a bunch of tone deaf, out of touch, echo-chamber inhabiting media luvvies think that the Yoof would find cool? Oh dear.
It also doesn't sound a whole lot like any Dubstep I've ever heard. Fail on all fronts.
Hmm, interesting. I can't help wondering what tactic is at play here: I hear so many teenagers (etc.) walking round with shite like this blasting out of a crappy little speaker to the annoyance of everyone else all the time. So, is this a tactic to confuse them into not answering their phones because they just assume they're being their normal, irritating selves?
'Is your phone ringing?'
'How do I tell?'
Can't speak for the radios but at least boomboxes had real speakers. Most of the complaint I have with the cellphone music crowd is that even good music sounds terrible on a tiny speaker too small to have any decent frequency response. To make it even more annoying it seems that a lot of what the kids are listening to tends toward Base heavy and the speakers just can't handle it.
..........I have the faintest suspicion that it would have been greeted in the same way.
"Here at Vulture Towers we don't claim to be shooting the breeze with the cool cats on a daily basis.............."
"..........and either we're way too old to understand what the young things are listening to these days.......".
"The cool cats"? If you guys have not yet left the beatnik era then you definitely are "way to old to understand what the young things........."!
...............the irony in my gentle tease of the author of the article (accompanied by a smiley icon FGS!). Frankly speaking, some people should get out more. The only thing I did was gently "twit" the author in a *very* friendly fashion and I get downvoted - hello`? That kind of response, in the context, is ridiculous.
Well like El Reg, if that's what is considered young and fashionable these days then I'm glad I'm getting old and past it.
This is going to be the default tone on the Nokia phones? Oh dear, well all those people who never change their default tone are going to have to work out how otherwise there are going to be a lot of older people who will be embarrassed every time their phones ring.
Note the icon, thats what they said in the meeting at Nokia to decide the winner.
OK, fair enough that they didn't want to put the pisstake one in first place and have to put it on their phones as a standard ringtone, but bumping it down to a level so low it gets no prize seems a bit petty, considering it got so much of the popular vote. It just makes them look completely humourless.
The bastard offspring of the unnatural, frenzied, grunting fornication of dubstep and the nokia ringtone...
The only way this ringtone will sound good is after being forced to endure it one too many times, I've snatched a phone from a chav and the phone is ringing while it slowly passes through his digestive tract.
I'm 34 years old with 3 kids - I'm not supposed to like modern music, I'm supposed to be confused and a little bit scared by it. But I wasn't finding JLS and their ilk confusing or scary, just shit and anodyne. But this dubstep stuff is different; I am very confused and that's as it should be. Carry on.
...but that "winner" is...is...is an abomination!
Funnily enough, if you put the contents of every paint tin in the shop into one big plastic dustbin, and stir, you don't get a nice colour.
I assume that the judging team were "professional" in the sense that they knew (collectively) how to wear a tie.
Nokia are doomed.
That'll be the expert judges trying to be hip and choosing the one with "dub-step" in the title.
I rather liked Ozzbozz's progressive Nokia.
TheGreatMarvelous's entry was never going to get off the bottom rung once the expert judges got into the act, you would have thought that after appointing Elop they must have a sense of humour, but obviously not.
Dubstep is on it's way out of being so popular, and Nokia is pretty late to the party.
It's a shame that this sort of dubstep is even so popular in the first place. This track probably took about 2 days to make and lacks any sort of creativity whatsoever. Sound exactly like the 1000 other ones I have heard in clubs recently. Whereas people like Appleblim and Martyn are making interesting dubstep that doesn't consist of the same beat and the 'wub wub wub' and barely get any play time.
I liked it…
Oh yes, I thought that some of the metaphysical imagery was particularly effective.
And um, interesting rhythmic devices, too, which seemed to counterpoint the surrealism of the underlying metaphor of the Nokia-ity of the composer's compassionate soul which contrived through the medium of the jingle to sublimate this, transcend that and come to terms with the fundamental dichotomies of the other. And one is left with a profound and vivid insight into... into... the fact that the phone's ringing.
Oh, sod this. Which way to the airlock? At least in space, no-one can hear your ringtone.
My 14 years old daughter called it "pretty cool" but not as cool as the "great marvellous" and my 7 years old son called it " really cool".
i think this thing is rather boring.
Over the last few weeks I ve seen the "great marvellous" spread like wildfire around the country.
I can't see this being used by anyone, ever..
playing through the various entries, they were all bland and mind-numbingly dull except for the winning entry, which to be fair was still crap but far less so than all the other entries put together. Given that obviously they were all limited to the same constraints the winning entry was a league ahead.
I don't follow trends or fashions, I'm not young, I am a professional producer/musician, (Also, I am a crazy one, a misfits, a rebel, a troublemakers, a round pegs in the square holes, I do see things differently, and I don't buy Apple)
I love the new direction music is taking. This sort of music is experimental, and is breaking the tyranny of the octave that has enslaved your ear perceptions for too long. The chord Jimmy Hendrix plays on purple haze was called the "Devils Chord" in the 18th century, and was to be avoided. The noises you are hearing emanating from dubstep are the next set of taboo audio sensations that will one day become Mozarts of their times. Perhaps not the Nokia tune itself, but you got to shift through the dirt before you find gold.
Yes, many of you are all too old to appreciate a new paradigm.
"The noises you are hearing emanating from dubstep are the next set of taboo audio sensations"
emphasis on "noise", it's not taboo just the majority of the population think it's shite and doesn't qualify as music in any sense of the word.
same sort of crap comment that thinks Tracy Emin's un-made bed is art, David Cameron fell for it with that tripe he's put in No10 from her, twats!
Though caveat emptor applies as does a fool and their money...... so all hats off to her for making money out of them.