Look what got!
I'm on SeaMonkey which is powered by AdBlock+ and NoScript (highly recommended plugins!).
So what did I get? Well, also a 2 out of 4 but its the end of the website which made me laugh:
How does your browser keep you safer?
Get Adobe Flash player
This page requires Flash Player version 10.2.0 or higher.
IMPORTANT: After installing the required upgrade please reload this browser window to view the video.
This is all positioned right besides the green "What is MALWARE?" column.
Not so funny?
Ok, how about this one... This is how the bottom section looks like on my end:
1 DANGEROUS DOWNLOADS <banner stating "F Get ADOBE Flash player">
2 PHISING WEBSITES White section stating: "This website requires Flash Player version 10.2.0 or higher"
3 ATTACKS ON YOUR BROWSER White section stating: "IMPORTANT: After installing the required upgrade please reload this browser window to view the video".
Maybe you already think this to be funny, I know I did. But what really made me laugh was noticing the summary of key features at the bottom:
"Does your browser provide a distinct warning when you download an application that is of higher risk but not yet confirmed as malware?" and according to this website mine doesn't. But the messages I see above beg to differ.
I know MS probably bases this on pristine browsers. But that's where this goes wrong. Mozilla's browsers were made to be extended upon. At the very least they could have added some code to check up on this and confirm that (for example) the existence of a NoScript plugin is also enough to keep you safe.
THAT would have been a winner because THAT would have gained them some more respect (maybe a little, but all little bits count) from the technical community.
And now all they get are ridicules. Their loss, missed opportunity.