back to article 'Silent majority' is content with elderly Java, says startup

Oracle might be looking at Java 7 and 8 to float clouds, but tech vendors are only just adopting Java 6 as a serious prop for web-based computing. Platform-as-a-service startup CloudBees has become the latest Java supporter to embrace a part of the Java Enterprise Edition 6 spec from two years ago for web development. …


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  1. Anomalous Cowherd Silver badge

    Java 6? You lucky, lucky sods!

    We only dropped support for Java 1.3 early this year, and we stll have a lot of customers running Java 1.4. To a man they're running IBM WebSphere - lumbering, unnecessarily heavy and three years behind the pace, it's IBM to the core.

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: Anomalous Cowherd

      Er? WTF? In the sort of environments WAS is used, long term support is the name of the game.

      So you are on an old version of WAS. So what? Do you have a support agreement with IBM to cover that version of WAS? If so then good.

      Isn't it up to your organisation to plan their migration for later versions of an appropriate App Server?

      What? Are you saying not my job?

      Then quit complaining....

      I am not an IBM'er but I use WAS and WMQ and Message broker on a daily basis. We have quarterly upgrade meetings to plan... well upgrades and fixpack installations.

      We have one system left running WAS 6. That won't be upgraded as it will be retired before the year end.

      Stop Complaining, Carry on and Keep Calm.

    2. Ilgaz

      I am sure

      I am sure IBM will spend billions to support Java 7 after Ellison childishly talked about "erasing them" once they reach their integer performance. Like every enterprise looks to integer benchmarks and decide to buy IBM, not because of support system or amazing backwards compatibility, trust etc. :)

      Joking of course, I know Big Blue doesn't work that way.

      Are you saying IBM doesn't support anything beyond 1.4? Mysterious really. Not into enterprise java thing so I shut up before saying anything stupid.

      1. TeeCee Gold badge

        ".....after Ellison childishly talked about "erasing them" once they reach their integer performance."

        Yup, that one made me laugh too. Partly at the ego-wanking, but mostly due to the implied assumption that IBM are going to stand still while Larry and his minions run the Red Queen's race.

        IBM *will* spend loads of wonga, but not on Java. They'll spend it on making sure that the goalposts Oracle are aiming for get frictionless wheels and a bigger engine....

  2. Daniel B.

    Part of that Silent Majority

    Java EE is a pretty good stack for building true MVC / 3-Layer apps. Most of my Java stuff uses it, ever since college and it has resulted in an easy to extend model with a good security model. I probably owe JavaEE for knowing basic RBAC concepts, and LDAP.

  3. Steve Loughran

    Confuses JVM releases with Java EE versions

    Oracle may be pushing Java7 and talking about Java8, but Java EE 6 is the latest version of the Java Enterprise Edition specification. The author of the article has misunderstood things.

    [This is not to be take as an endorsement of Java7+, merely an observation on the article]

  4. Ramazan

    These include CloudBees

    They'd better include cloudBeers like Google do or rest of world won't care

  5. Robert Grant

    If everyone used Spring, we'd all get there a lot quicker

    And to be honest it's surprising how often it turns up, a developer needs to do something quickly and well, so they bung some Spring jars in a project and turn something around double quick :)

    1. DAN*tastik


      I, to this day, still can't read the word Spring without cringing and feeling compelled to answer back.

      Thank god those days are over, I really do not miss those neverending xml prayers to beg the JVM to do something which would take a few minutes using plain Java...

      I am also not convinced that transforming compilation errors into run time exceptions makes sense. And the runtime exceptions leave a stack trace which would take a few A4 pages to print.

      Maybe it's just my experience, and I have to admit they also masochistically wanted to use Hibernate and GWT with Spring, but the plain JEE I am using now is just a relief.

      Hope you have an easier life with it where you are!

      1. Destroy All Monsters Silver badge


        Grails works for me.

      2. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward



        I never got the point of spring either. Transforming compilation errors into run time exceptions is just insidious. Plus all that xml. It must take 50% more time to develop with spring, while simultaneously robustness is thrown out the window.

        Decoupling, dependency injection and testability are good things. Ironically though, by introducing so many potential failures at runtime, spring's _implementation_ of DI requires many more tests to be written!

        I'm using google's guice. Minimal amount of coding for DI, plus error checking at _compile_ time. I think it's founder shares these views :)

        1. Destroy All Monsters Silver badge


          ....dated "Sunday, January 29, 2006"

          Wasn't that sometime before The Great Double-Dip Depression with Dead Kenyesians on top?

          Anything fresher?

  6. WinHatter

    Java ...

    1.3 1.4 2 4 5 6 what a turd ... after almost 20 years they finally introduced EJB 3.0 where you don't need to do all the tedious work to get a distributed object ... hardly !!!

    Whoaw what an achievement, Forté Inc. had that in 1990, Forté was acquired by Sun ... and all those tossers could not even make a proper Java middleware out of the superb product that was Forté 4GL. Thinking that those Java turkeys are now an "industry" standard makes me sick.

  7. Steven Dick

    Java EE 6 & Java 6 are different beasts. The This article conflates the 2 and is misleading.

  8. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward


    It's all become a bit bullshit bingo since Oracle took over, to the point where it's almost impossible to tell what is or isn't in each version.

  9. James Anderson Silver badge

    Addressing the wrong problem.

    So they are realeasing a "profile" with about 30% of the features of a standard php install.

    The problem is not the number of "features" in J2EE, but poorly designed API's, lack of coherency and plain difficulty of use.

    I don't care whether a release contains EJBs or not, I never use them.

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