You mean
Using my antibacterial keyboard while jogging on the spot in my ass improving sneakers is not going to do me any good at all?
Misleading adverts for a biological bug killing keyboard violated federal law and earned its maker a six-figure fine. Claims that the USB keyboard protected users from microbes and bacteria have landed manufacturer Logitech a $261,000 fine, after the US Environmental Protection Agency ruled that Logi's promotional material …
I think you're confusing doctors and 'Big Pharma' with homeopaths and the UK's billion-pound alternative remedies industry, where most treatments are no more effective than placebo - and often cost much more than more traditional, proven treatments.
Sure, there are bad apples all around. But at least evidence based medine is, uh, based on evidence. Adverse effects are closely monitored, and you can be sure a drug has been tested for safety* and efficay before being 'pushed'.
* That said, the safety of homeopathic pills isn't an issue- because you'd be extremely 'lucky' to find a pill with a single molecule of active ingredient! But people spend money thinking these are effective, when that money could be much better spent on elsewhere. They also confuse people who may otherwise have gone for a proven treatment from doing so - which itself makes the industry (if not the pills themselves ) unsafe.