"Anyone with 1/2 a brain cell can see that something should be done, regardless of how bitchy the media become."
And the very fact that you typed that neatly demonstrates that you have been somewhat shortchanged in the grey matter department yourself.
It's not the case that something should be done. It is the case that something should have been done when the phone hacking scandal broke, but it wasn't. The government at the time pretty much turned a blind eye to the whole affair and hoped the public would forget about it. What should be done is that people who break the law should be prosecuted. Organizations where law breaking is standard practice should be prosecuted, and so should their directors.
Of course Mr Bean and his mates want us to forget that the whole thing happened when Labour were in power and want us to blame the coalition. Sorry guys but some of us can remember further back than yesterday's headlines. Any inquiry into journalistic phone hacking should not stop with the media and the police handling of the case. It should also include the actions and conduct of ministers at the time.
Labour however believe that some sort of register or database is all you need to solve any problem. Of course CRB checks completely stopped child abuse by people working with children. They didn't? Well fancy that.
Consider how many politicians have been sent to the naughty step and come back, Labour stalwarts among them. Peter Mandelson come on down. What's sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander. How about a register of politicians and a code of practice for politicians. Anybody found breaking that code of practice should be barred from holding any form of public office. Up for that are we Lewis?