back to article Linux Foundation merges MeeGo into Tizen

The Linux Foundation has officially put MeeGo on the back burner and is working towards a new open source OS called Tizen, which will have a greater emphasis on HTML5 support. MeeGo, itself a merger of Intel’s Moblin and Nokia's Maemo projects, was launched last year as a joint venture between the two companies under the …


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  1. Anonymous Coward

    "Linux Foundation merges MeeGo into Tizen"

    Great - they can call it "MeeGo-Tizen". Tell you what, though - it better not be "MeeGo tizen in your swimming pool" or there'll be hell to pay.

  2. Robert E A Harvey

    missed opportunity

    They should have called it Tizer. No-one can decide if that has a good or bad flavour

  3. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward


    The recently announced Tizen project will be merged with Oblivion, which as you already know, is amazingly fast with a superb user experience, expected to be adopted by the majority any moment now.

  4. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    good news for Meego

    and not so good news for WebOS - all those wild rumours about Samsung licensing it were just that

    Clearly Android is not seen as the universal panacea by the handset/tablet/netbook/doohickey makers. That's probably a combo of IP worries and Google-fear on the one hand and Intel back handers on the other. After all, who would sign up to another ring stinging single-supplier agreement like they all did with MS?

    I hope this time it flies - maybe with html5 there's a chance than that the platform disappears from the users' conciousness..

    Feeling optimistic but I expect it will pass

  5. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Meego ?

    Me gone


  6. Mage Silver badge


    What is it with stupid platform names?

    So the King is dead, long live the King.

    Android is successful BECAUSE it's not 100% an open project. No committee. The problem to date with all other things Linux and Handset related is that they have all been Camels.

    We need a strong visionary person or company in control (not Intel or Samsung), otherwise Tizen will be another maemo, Limo, open Moko, Moblin, Meego etc etc failure (qtopia PDA version was too like a WinCE interface, needed stylus and qtopia phone edition was too late). At least it doesn't start with M.

    Stupid name though

    1. Tom 38

      Android is successful because Google has spent billions of dollars making it that way. If billions had been spent on Meego, it would also probably be pretty good.

  7. Bruno Girin


    Seems a bit like re-inventing the wheel (again!). if the future is HTML5 and related tech, that's exactly what webOS does: you use HTML5 to create apps.

  8. a_been


    Another day, another fail. No one will bother with this. If Intel wonts this to take off they have to put real money behind it otherwise they might as well go suck arse. Linux may be free but making a Linux phone cost's money and no major phone maker can wait "till it's ready" which means if you are going to use Linux on a phone then you might as well put your hands up and say "we are gona do our own phone OS".

    Until Intel make a financial statement about this OS, it's dead in the water. WebOS was said to be 500million in the hole this year and that was with rose tinted hardware sales before the Touchpad suicide. Android is rumoured to be $1 billion a year. God only knows how much Apple are spending but with Apple it's probably North of $25 per device (this year it will probably be $500 mill a quarter, last year you change the first number but keep the 2 zeros) and they get to mitigate that by using the same OS on iPods & iPads as well as selling a lot at retail, not wholesale. Microsoft are losing a Billion a quarter and most of that is online and phone dependent, a fair guess for them will be $2 bill this year and while a lot is marketing, they also get at last count money from 50%+ of all Android phone makers.

    Simple fact is, if Intel want this OS to be anything other than a "may have been", they have to say "$10 billion, 5 years and we will not fail" because that is what everyone else is doing. 5 years ago smart phones where what 5 million out of 200 million, this quarter they will probably be 100 million out of 400 mill and in under 2 years there will not be a smart phone category in the phone market. Smart phones will be the phone market and in that market you have to be able to splash the cash, otherwise go home.

    Sad to say, i don't think Intel has the balls and i think we have at most 2-3 years before the cost of joining the party is to much, that for anyone who doesn't have a monopoly to subsidies the ticket price (Microsoft and Google, maybe Facebook) or makes more money than sin (Apple), the parties over.

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