Gah... arghhh ! anger!
You know, call me crazy ("your crazy"), but recently, I went back to 3.6 for dev work.
The back story here is that I've been a firefox user since it was firebird, some centuries ago now in net time. When 4 was released and showed itself as a rather unwieldy beast - more fatfox than firefox - I switched to the new kid on the block, chrome, as my primary 'surfing' browser.
However, I was so tied to my firefox extensions, most specifically developer extensions, I kept firefox as my dev browser.
I'd frequently find my work dev machine slowing to a crawl, only to find good old fatfox was having a little munch on my memory whilst I wasn't looking.
I disabled all but my most essential extensions. It failed to assist, fatfox just kept on munching away, turning my PC into a big fat slobby sweating panting mess. The fattest fat kid at school trying to run crosscountry whilst eating mars bars, so fat, he blocked the path of the skinny fast kids.
I finally decided to snag fatfox 7 today and have found that the fattest fat kid has got himself a bicycle. He's still a big old bloater, but he can move a little faster.
Oh, mozilla, where did it all go wrong?
Please, go on a diet, shed some pounds, bring us back that super fit marathon runner of old, that Phoenix that rose from the ashes of netscape.
In the interim, I'll keep getting angry at you, I need you firefox, I can't kick the habit... just like the fattest fat kid with his stash of mars bars...