Pulled from ITV player.
And replaced by a "coming soon" logo. LOL.
An ITV documentary rehashing well-known links between terrorist/freedom-fighter organisation the Provisional IRA (PIRA) and one-time Libyan leader Colonel Gaddafi has drawn fire for seemingly presenting a sequence of game video masquerading as real footage. During the documentary, Exposure - Gaddafi and the IRA, which was …
Never let the truth get in the way of a good bit of propaganda.
The sad fact is most of the people that watched this show genuinely believe that Norn Iron is the sort of place that pickups drive about painted in camouflage.
It was all things considered quite a fun place to grow up.
Black helicopters as they did use those in the old days.
If this any judge of the quality of journalism on what is supposed to be a "flagship news show", then we are in bigger trouble than I thought. Kind of makes you hanker after Roger Cook and his investigative journalism show The Cook Report. At least he dealt with real terrorists who used real guns and he received real death threats. You know.... proper investigative journalism.
Roger Cook's investigation into Norn Iron's extortion rackets has now been largely discredited.
Telephoning Martin McGuinness's wife at home and asking her 'Is your husband a terrorist?' doesn't really count as serious investigative journalism.
There have been good examples of investigative journalism in Ireland. Roger Cook is not one of them.
I've seen it said elsewhere today that, not to be outdone, the Beeb's news countered by running an article about the finding of a wrecked cargo ship, sunk in WWII by a U-boat in the Atlantic.
The footage they used to illustrate the Allied merchant fleet losses in the Atlantic was that of, er, the battleship HMS Barham being sunk off Egypt......
You mean the footage of the Szent Istvan capsizing surely?
I notice they often leave out the bit where the Barham actually explodes; it is very uncomfortable footage. There are a lot of little black figures running down the side of the hull who are suddenly not there any more.
I'm just amazed to know that ITV shows anything vaguely factual/serious (I don't count so-called "reality" shows in that category).
Last time I looked (which admittedly was probably about the time they stopped showing the A-Team, i.e. many years ago) all they showed was soaps, reality shows, tacky dramas with ex-Eastenders characters and Ant and Dec.
In relation to the statement "Helicopters were wrecked by IRA action, but always during mortar bombardments of chopper pads - the heavy machine-guns never made an effective attack". I don't know who made it but it is not true. The IRA did indeed shoot up a Lynx helicopter with a heavy machine gun - I watched their supplied propaganda footage at the time shown on the BBC news. I was serving as an aircraft mechanic in the Army and worked on this actual Lynx many times a few years later during a NI tour. It was very identifiable due to its unique arrangement of circular repair patches on the airframe.