re Economy is going down the swanee...
Bollocks, absolutely bollocks. The Scottish government runs a deficit-free budget. It lives within its means. Which is a million miles more than can be said for those useless corrupt numpties in power in Westminster.
Scotland's economy is performing better (marginally, but better) in every aspect than that of England. Scotland's politicians are positive about the future, ignoring the rampant naysayers of the labour party, who can do nothing but attack ecverything the SNP try to achieve. Who introduced the anti smoking laws to Britain ? The SNP.
Who brought out anti binge drinking laws, only to have them voted down by labour ? The SNP. And now the same lot that were against them in Scotland now promote the idea south of the border.
Who pays for personal care for the elderly ? The Scottish government, by an SNP led campaign.
Who guarantees free prescriptions ? The SNP government.
Who continues to give free public transport to the elderly and the needy ? The SNP government.
Who has been spending on capital projects over the last few years to combat the economic situation ? The SNP government, and now Westminster is finally coming around to the very same way of thinking.
Don't buy the "poor Scotland" baloney. Scotland pays in more to the Treasury than it takes out. And that's without counting in all the oil revenues. If independent, Scotland would be the richest country in Europe. Even than Norway. The Scottish oil fields have a higher return than the Norwegian sector. At least Norway has not squandered its windfall on illegal wars, on subsidising foreign financiers and bankers, and a thousand other money down the drain wheezes.