Not often I suggest throwing the book at someone.
If these guys are caught though, that should be the least that happens to them. This goes way beyond a prank. This goes way beyond making someone's server fall over. It only takes one of the SWAT guys to make a mistake, and you've got someone killed for the heinous crime of banning your bloody Xbox Live account. Well boo hoo. Seriously, just fuck off. Go cry and wank in the corner until you can figure out why you got banned in the first place. If you can't figure that out, and if you think calling armed police to someone's house is valid retaliation for anything, then I sincerely hope you are caught, sectioned and spend the rest of your days getting your head shrunk by day while sleeping in a padded cell by night for even thinking that getting someone's guts blown out is funny.
Thus ends the diatribe.