one of the 0%
these sorts of storys do make me laugh out loud.
Im a loyal android user, i like some others started of with the tmobile G1 and was impressed with the OS - not so much the quality of the phone, htc made a poor quality phone with an excellent keyboard though.
I then went to the moto milestone, and was disgusted with the way that motorola locked the phone down, you couldnt cook the roms and still cant, that phone lasted me 9 months before it went (and they lost a customer for life).
Im currently using the desire hd and the thing is excellent. After putting a deacent rom on the machine its snappy, and half deacent battery life (best part of 2 days).
Only a couple of days ago i was handed a ipod touch 3rd gen 64gb - this was suppose to be sold or binned but i was given the machine as ive always been a android fan. My friend on the other hand loves apple.
Well i put on that damned awlful program itunes onto a old redundant pc and copyed over my music collection one of my external drives.
I synced about 50gb of music which took around 2hrs, and about 5 or 6 freeze ups with itunes. Then had error after error about ipod service not running - only way around was reboot the whole system. Talk about banging your head agains a brick wall i only want to put a bit of music on the thing is that too much to ask!!!???
Ive used the machine for the last couple of days and can quiet safetly say than android will spend many more happy years in this family, The os is horrible in comparison to android - i love to fiddle with widgets and move stuff about all the time, i cannot do this on the ipod, i like to listen to my audiobook collection - and have the mp3s in thier own folder so i can easily navigate to play them, on the ipod i have to jump though hoops to stop them appearing in my music folder - then bang itunes freezes.
Another big thing over the ipony for me is - hmmm battery dies, how the hell do you change it!!! .
Android i personally think is for people that dont mind getting thier hands dirty to reap the rewards at the end, apple on the other hand offer something thats semi functional albeit bloody irrating .
No two android phones look the same, its a personal preferance to the look and feel each owner has on thier phone.
I also own a samsung galaxy tab 7"
But my next phone will be another htc so that makes me another one of the 0% that will stay with current manufactor and os