> Everything you do can be shared all the time
I do hope that doesn't mean he's getting into the webcam business and putting on in the bathroom
Mark Zuckerberg says new features on Facebook will allow the sharing of everything automatically and give people access to your entire life history. Speaking at the keynote of the F8 developers conference in San Francisco Zuckerberg said that applications will become more social – a polite way of saying they’re posting …
If you browse the web whilst logged in to facebook then you get told you could "be the first of your friends to like this" on blogs, news sites etc. Your information has been captured without your permission.
IIRC, Microsoft Office integration was opt-out, so you can't be sure what facebook does with your privacy.
It would seem to me that 90% of what I do is not really that interesting to everyone. And those who may find it interesting I either already live with, and can have actual conversations with, or are precisely the kind of weirdo I wouldn't want to tell.
I don't think I want to be a member that club.
*computer* "Let's see... Recently purchased a Corvette... stays late every Tuesday and Thursday.. buys wine on Tuesday... had mini fridge installed in office..."
*news feed* "I'm currently having a torrid affair with my secretary, Matilda, who buys bras at Target and is TanToDeath Salon's best customer."
That's a terrible analogy, unless your house has glass walls, no doors and a crowd of your friends (90% of whom you've never actually met in real life) always hanging around watching your every move.
I'll take a pass on this "feature" thanks.
Maybe I'm missing the point, but most of what I do is of no interest to anybody else and the information that is of interest to others is probably only of interest to people I don't want to know it. Also, most of what other people do is of less than no interest to me.
Unfortunately, too many companies now assume all their customers have facebook and put valuable information there which is not easily accessible elsewhere. I've got around this by creating a completely anti-social profile - every privacy setting maxxed out and every piece of information ont he profile itself is a lie.
Facebook was once good for keeping in touch with old friends etc... However, recently, its been pushing more emphasis to advertising what people do with the aid of external advertisers.
For example, i never used top stories becuase it was rubbish but thats the only choice now, recent stories are an afterthought, bolted on to the bottom and only a small selection. I'd rather choose what i want to see, not facebook.
Maybe time to see Google+
It's sad in many ways, as I used Facebook in exactly the way that you described: keeping in contact with friends, ex-work colleagues, acquaintances and old friends (university) whom I like to know what's going on in their lives over the years.
The new direction is all about selling one's content rather than sharing, The former 'Recent Events' feed worked perfectly for keeping in contact with people, sharing lives with each other (and having full control over what we share). Facebook has become far, far too intrusive, too busy and is a poor user-experience.
Google+ is user-friendly, intuitive and even ascetic compared to Facebook.
When I log on to Facebook, I'm bombarded with content - none of which I can contextualise due to lacking chronology - and tickers and feeds. In log on to Google+, and I feel calm, relaxed, serene.
I'm still deciding on how best to migrate my picture albums out of Facebook and into either Flickr or Google+. Then deactivate and delete my account, bitch!
Also, i looked up the facebook app on android marketplace, the other day, it scared me a bit:
This application has access to the following:
Your accounts
act as an account authenticator
Allows an application to use the account authenticator capabilities of the AccountManager, including creating accounts and getting and setting their passwords.
manage the accounts list
Allows an application to perform operations like adding, and removing accounts and deleting their password.
Services that cost you money
send SMS messages
Allows application to send SMS messages. Malicious applications may cost you money by sending messages without your confirmation.
Your location
fine (GPS) location
Access fine location sources such as the Global Positioning System on the device, where available. Malicious applications can use this to determine where you are, and may consume additional battery power.
Your messages
edit SMS or MMS
Allows application to write to SMS messages stored on your device or SIM card. Malicious applications may delete your messages.
receive SMS
Allows application to receive and process SMS messages. Malicious applications may monitor your messages or delete them without showing them to you.
read SMS or MMS
Allows application to read SMS messages stored on your device or SIM card. Malicious applications may read your confidential messages.
Network communication
full Internet access
Allows an application to create network sockets.
Your personal information
read contact data
Allows an application to read all of the contact (address) data stored on your device. Malicious applications can use this to send your data to other people.
write contact data
Allows an application to modify the contact (address) data stored on your device. Malicious applications can use this to erase or modify your contact data.
Phone calls
read phone state and identity
Allows the application to access the phone features of the device. An application with this permission can determine the phone number and serial number of this phone, whether a call is active, the number that call is connected to and the like.
modify/delete USB storage contents modify/delete SD card contents
Allows an application to write to the USB storage. Allows an application to write to the SD card.
System tools
write sync settings
Allows an application to modify the sync settings, such as whether sync is enabled for Contacts.
prevent device from sleeping
Allows an application to prevent the device from going to sleep.
Fuck that noise.
It would also seem that this would erode the last places we would have a reasonable expectation of privacy. Why do so many people think that it is such a wonderful idea to share with the online world things that are much better kept to themselves? Socially, this is removing barriers that define the idea of privacy. Legally, Facebook may some day constitute de facto consent for government entities to search where today it would be illegal for them to do so. After all, if you want to have a private life separate from your public life, why would you go through the effort of making everything public?
It's so kind of Zuckerberg to give Google+ a helping hand by driving away his customers just as it's getting started. That's gotta be the goal here, right? Because otherwise the deafening screams of "WE HATE THE NEW FACEBOOK" yesterday would have been a sign to stop and reconsider the changes, not a sign to go ahead with the rest of the plan.
Zuck & co know perfectly well that they can ignore the deafening screams of "WE HATE THE NEW FACEBOOK" because there are deafening screams of "WE HATE THE NEW FACEBOOK" every time the layout changes, and after a little while the users just forget everything's changed and carry on with it as usual - at least, until the next time things are moved around and there's a new round of deafening screams of "WE HATE THE NEW FACEBOOK".
The screams are about nothing more than resistance to change.
This, though, is different - and the chances are most of the plebs won't understand the implications and will just accept it as usual.
You have to explicitly ask for deletion using a well-hidden form you can only find through the FAQ. Otherwise, they keep all your stuff forever even though you cannot use it.
I deleted all personal data, photos etc.. before submitting my delete request so they have little beyond my posts and comments to delete.
I read once about a psychiatric condition, in which the affected person believes that they can keep nothing secret and they are afraid that everybody knows everything about them, especially that which they would rather keep secret.
The more I read about Facebook the more I think about this condition.
This post has been deleted by its author
Facebook don't want to sell your data anymore, nobody wants your data anyway, except maybe the odd opportunist criminal. No, their plan is now much bigger.
Their plan is actually to control you at the emotional level, to do what Facebook's clients want, for profit.
Let me explain. Human behaviour is a product of human social interactions. Human social interactions are now mediated by Facebook. If they want you to buy more, they turn down the relevance of your non-spendthrift friends. Where relevance is a literal integer, the value of which genuinely and in real life controls how many of your friend's messages get through to you and at what time after they were posted. Turn the relevance down, and the non-relevant person becomes a non-person.
Facebook's algorithms therefore impose on real life a new model of behaviour.
It gets worse.
Now applications (application is code for 'Facebook client company') are given actual permission to fabricate your firends communications with you. Fabricate means make up. Make up to say "I have just spent a lot of money on a product that I think you should buy". This can be done either explicitly or just as effectively using subtle psychological tricks such as picturing your friends next to expensive products (try and stop your brain from assuming they own them, ooops, you can't).
Why do you need user data, when you can cut that part out and just control the users directly? You think it's hard? LOL get 750 million people together in a group and they will do anything. Especially if you tell them their friends are doing it.
But it still gets worse.
Now thanks to Facebook people have a new set of parameters by which to define friendship. An artifical set of paramets invented by marketing companies and Facebook, designed to fit computational models of the economy. Economic models of people, not psychological ones. The upshot is we will all suffer from horrible life changing mental illnesses, but at least Mark is rich.
This social control phenomenon also constitutes a full and complete explanation of the August riots. Anyway don't worry about it, just remember to drink Dr Pepper brand cola. What's the worst that could happen?
Spot on.
May I add that, imho, that it's all very symptomatic of the market-driven, 21st century capitalist model currently driving us into greater and greater misery and depravity. We need, desperately, to re-shape our model of consumption - globally. The continued exponential growth that traders and investors clamor for is akin to weeds ravishing a beautiful, and sustainable, wild-flower meadow.
Whilst I accept that money is the blood that flows through the veins of an economy to keep the machinery turning - continually pumping up the speed and pressure on that blood flow will inevitably lead to ill health and a short term life expectancy.
Whilst traders desperately sell each other pieces of our/their debts on made-up magical bits of e-paper, many are turning to such (anti) social networking systems to bleed / leech more out of the beautiful flowers, already turning their fine petaled heads downwards away from the blue sky and sunshine, until they wither, transfixed upon the bare, scorched earth and collapse in a heap.
The only glimmer of hope is that composting is a splendid and sustainable way by which this matter can be recycled so that flower meadows can spring up anew.
(maybe I'm suffering Seasonally Affected Disorder early this year - cheers petals ;-))
That the sheeple who religiously log into Facebook, day in and day out, keeping the world updated on how many times their bowels have moved in the last 24 hours, will accept any changes that Zuckerberg wants to make.
They will bleet a bit and follow the herd into blindly clicking "Ok"/"I accept" then continue to dole out every last bit of private/inane/earth shattering news that happens in their life and not stop to consider the consequences.
In my opinion, good luck to them. When it comes back to bite them they will have no one to blame but themselves, and I don't mean identity theft or targeted marketing.
When you go for that new job and get turned down becasue the company says you seem a bit undesirable or just not their type of person, you should know it's probably due to the photo of yourself drunkenly running round with your trousers down wearing a traffic cone on your head, which you posted "for a laugh".
Its getting more subtle than that:
- prospective employer (or maybe potential parent-in-law, policeman, etc) acquires a summary of your likes & dislikes as recorded on FB;
- optionally adds similar info for those of your FB friends with who you're most often in contact;
- runs this info through an app which generates a summary of your apparent personality (probably labelled "psych profile" or something similarly authoritative).
Think hand-writing analysis for the 21st century.
Also think how many organisations would pay money to have such a system in place to, say, automate the screening of job applications.
So there is incredible value in knowing that your neighbours dog has just had it's fifth birthday, yet no-one can find a way to make any monies from knowing all this useless tat..?
Good luck in convincing me I should buy something because a needy fb buddy has an advert next to their name, bloated marketing dept. soon to be looking for work.
In a side note, is impossible to un-install fb from my wildfire-s, come on Google give me a delete button please..
beer because... Just because.