A bumper month for lawyers predicted as every other phone manufacture attempts to take out injunctions around the world to have it band.
The use of the letter "s" by a former US vice president has fueled speculation that Apple is poised to release more than one iPhone model this October. Speaking at The Discovery Invest Leadership Summit this week in Johannesburg, South Africa, Apple board member Al Gore reportedly referred to "the new iPhones coming out next …
"And don't tell me he misspoke. He has been a politician most of his adult life, Words are his craft and trade."
It's debatable whether most politicians are good with words. Most modern politicians are quite good at the media sound-bite or the quick put-down. (That is, in fact, probably the only skill they need and therefore the only thing our leaders are selected for. A crap system for electing governors, but probably still better than the alternatives.) Lawyers are similar, although they play the same game in the language of the court rather than the street.
Using words precisely to convey an exact shade of meaning whilst excluding all the plausible alternatives is a skill you are more likely to need in technical writing, and so you find that skill in scientists, engineers, mathematicians and programmers, but not politicians or lawyers.
Unfortunately now that I don't have a land line any more I get about 4 phone books. I guess now that I'm not bound to a single carrier all the different companies feel I want their version of the phone book. That would be great if I had a bird but I don't so I dump them in the recycle bin along with a lot of other people judging by what I see that gets put out for pick up when I drive by. One more dead tree edition killed by the intarwebs.
Would Al Gore saying, "the new iphone is amazing" have sparked an article claiming that apple was only going to make one, and that it must cost $100 billion to cover R&D, advertising, and maintain APPL profits?
Seriously, they must intend to make more than one iphone.
"The new DROID 2s are amazing!!!!!!!!!!!"