@Darren12 - Yeah, but you're clever enough to care...
I'm sorry, but you'll have to put up with a degree of control. I made a suggestion on another forum discussing Android security approaches (there's an awful lot of discussion on it, could that indicate SOMEthing...?) that the better security model is "opt-out" locked-down - you apply to have your phone unlocked, as a dev or tech-savvy party, at which point you can do what the hell you like. Sort of like "official jailbreaking".
This way there can be a self-selecting and self-sizing community of tech-savvy happy people like yourself, and the platform can survive and grow off the masses who enjoy a safe, enjoyable, long-battery-life experience, blissfully unaware they can break out of Google's "walled garden" app store if they wanted.
While you might be happy (and clever, and intuitive) enough to take responsibility, it doesn't matter if 500 million other people don't care and install some hideous botnet trojan masquerading as angry birds, because Google can't be arsed policing the store properly. The platform will get a reputation as a shit-pit of malware and people will abandon it as their bills start coming in with massive premium call / SMS bills.
You can't educate either - the platform's sheer installed user base is one of the biggest reasons it's getting hit with malware, like Windows does. It's vulnerable by design so that geeks like us can fiddle with it if we like, but that means it's open to social engineering malware attacks.
And your last words - "you should get an iPhone" - are exactly what disillusioned punters will do. Then it's bye bye android...