It'll take more than one pint of Guinness
to shift that lot
Brazilian cops have released an impressive scan of the abdomen of an Irish chap who attempted to board a plane in São Paulo earlier this week packing 830g of cocaine. Scan showing bags of cocaine inside Irishman's abdomen The stash of Bolivian marching powder was packed into 72 "bags", which in turn were stuffed into the guts …
Well I'm no expert - only ever did a couple of party lines in my life. However I can do some basic maths. Assuming that you start with a quite pure substance and then cut it up 50/50 with milk/washing/baking powder that will give you 1660g. If you distribute yourself you can find people willing to pay as much as £50 per gram so 1660*50 =£83,000 or approx €95,000. I don't get it to 150k unless you cut it up more.
I did know a girl who was "dating" a dealer, who I'm told, got pretty pure stuff. 2g for £30 - guess it depends on who you know and how big your cut is.
It was the police who said 830g, right? You forgot to include the amount that disappeared between the seizure and the weighing.
I'd imagine the average Guinness-drinker's stomach could hold 2-3 kg without too much discomfort.
But on the other hand, I've heard that the Brazilian police are the best that money can buy.
well at £50 GBP per gram that makes £41,500 as is
if it's strong stuff and gets "jumped on" by even as much as 50%(doubtful) then that's still only 62,250 GBP or
62,250.00 GBP = 98,323.67 USD
you would need 1875(ish) grams at £50 per gram to make 150,000 dollars
so he's have to cut it with more than he has........
i always doubt police arithmetic when it comes to drugs...
they seem to OVERLY estimate it every single fucking time
anonymously posted for obvious reasons
I'd agree - those images look like a complete fake to me. Quite apart from the rather wide-spread displacement of all these capsules (in the liver?) can scanners really produce images which so clearly show cocaine capsules without even a shadow of any organs? Indeed there's pretty much nothing but drugs and skeleton shown.
I'm curious as to the mechanics of the insertion process and how long it took. Is the fastest way to stuff an intestine to stuff it from both ends? Or did they use back door only?
Intestinal wall is delicate, in some parts comparable to wet paper in tensile strength. At least one medical professional with a retractor must have been involved.
by the time you unwrap that gram in the pub bog, you can consider yourself lucky if it contains even 0.2g pure cocaine.
so, if he imports 830g pure, it is easily worth 150k. but no one person would trouser that amount, it's spread through the various layers of lowlife en route to you in the dirty cubicle. which probably doesn't even have a handy flat surface.
Apparently the drug mules swallow chunks of raw meat for months to allow them to do this.
Aaand... the next TSA security measure is going to be.... compulsory laxatives for all passengers so that they can "flush out" mules and terrorists with internally concealed explosives/alkali metals/bioweapons/toxins/etc.
Agree with Steven Jones etc. about these looking fake. Was he cut open and packets inserted into his body? They are not even vaguely following the outline of the gastrointestinal tract. Plus, I also have my doubts that the machinery could isolate this from organs.
I must say, it seems like this guy was kind of an idiot. I don't know what the breakage rate is on these bags, but it is non-zero. This is a hell of a lot of bags to carry at once considering that.
Why do they quote retail? Because it sounds more impressive for some copper to claim they found $3 million in "narcotics" than $500,000. (Or in this case, EUR150,000 for about EUR50,000 in nose candy.)