Samsung blatantly copied, and sailed as close to the wind as they dared. Sadly, the good ship Samsung may end up capsizing (continued metaphor) on this one, because it is difficult for the dispassionate observer (or a judge) to escape the conclusion that Samsung copied Apple's designs, packaging, trade dress and whatever. Two excellent links in the posts here btw!
Those who cannot see that Samsung did indeed copy Apple, are blinded by their own bigotry and, dare I say, envy. Judges regularly pass verdict on cases far more complex than this. Further, one does not need to be a geek to recognise what Samsung has done (in fact the weight of the case rests on the very fact that non-geek consumers will equate the products), and I predict Apple wll win most of this type of case.
Apple are successful in selling products to consumers, not technogeeks. Like my refrigerator, I just plug it in and it works, Apple's products are designed for the masses who could not care less what is under the plastc/metal/glass skin. They care whether it works and how easy it is to operate. By any measure, Apple seems to have been so wildly successful at meeting this need, Samsung decided that copying was the way to go for mobile devices. I expect them to lose in most jurisdictions.
I rather liked the pic linked in a post here which showed the pre and post iPhone Samsung products. One really has to be retarded to continue to make the claims repeated ad infinitum in this forum. Example: The "all tablets look like an iPad because form follows function". This is provably untrue, and demonstrably so by looking at Samsungs own previous tablet products or indeed Sony's brand-spankin-new products. Ditto for the host of other repeated falsehoods.
The growing volume of vitriol in the Register against Apple (and Sony and Oracle and ...) has become repetitive and mind numbing. These companies are successful for good reasons, and a few disaffected geeks with personality disorders and faulty reasoning frothing in internet fora are unlikely to have even the slightest effect on that success.
Really people, most of you need to get lives. And, if you dislike a product so much, then buy something else.
There was a time that the Register comments contained well reasoned analysis, pithy commentary and dare I say some rather good reading. These days, it seems this is less so.