Bird attacks
Note that the "flying barn door" landed on his back.
NZ children have been attacked by (introduced) Australian magpies for years (These are about the size of a rook, hang around in gangs of up to 100 and are notoriously bad tempered, not the pissant european variety. When Magpies move in, all other bird species move OUT). It was found the easiest way to ward them off was a tshirt or hat with eyes painted on the back.
It might be worth a crack for warding off eagles. It works with gulls too, as long as you don't go near the nests.
(Some bleeding hearts decided that relocating the most recidivist birds to "remote" locations would solve the issue, but it was found they'd gravitate towards settlements and start attacking children there, so these days the usual relocation device has 400 balls and 2 barrels.)
Comments about twits removing netting and trying to remove a dinner from an eagle noted. Very silly man....