back to article Two UK suspects cuffed in Anonymous manhunt

British police have arrested two men as part of a continuing investigation with the FBI into computer attacks carried out under the flags of the Anonymous and Lulz Security hacking crews. The men, aged 20 and 24, were arrested on Thursday in Mexborough, near Doncaster, South Yorkshire, and Warminster, Wiltshire, under suspicion …


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  1. Zack Mollusc

    too late

    This could be the last round of arrests as LulzSec are reforming as LulzSec PLC, thus any hacking accusations will be investigated by internal inquiry whose results will not be made public.


      Lulz Sec Plc

      And the Police will conclude "there was no intent to commit criminal offences", the ICO will determine "there was a measure of implied consent"... and no one will go to jail etc?

      I see where you're coming phrom.

  2. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    It's all good

    The more of these criminals they convict and send to prison the better for society.

  3. Anonymous Coward
    Thumb Up

    Nice .....

    Anon .... not so anonymous anymore. The only real concern is that if convicted as like as not they will get a couple of hours community service.

    1. Crofty616

      I Agree!

      ...wait...what? :/

    2. cdilla

      appropriate penalty

      "a couple of hours community service" sounds like an appropriate penalty to me.

  4. ratfox

    So are these leaders?

    Or are these part of the crowd that followed? All these arrests feel like arresting everybody in a 1000+ riot, except for the ringleaders.

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward


      I don't see your point as being particularly a bad thing.

      I agree it would be better to get the ringleaders than leave them alone (although anonymous by self-definition do not have any leaders) but, to take your riot analogy, surely you would like to arrest the scrotes smashing windows and stealing bins as well as the scumbags directing it.

      If you catch enough followers then not only do you remove any willing pawns for the leaders to manipulate but eventually you will find enough evidence to take the big cheeses down along with the mules.

  5. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward


    Yes, but it wasn't the dim followers who were busy hacking their way into a wide range of servers.

    To invoke Godwin it is the equivalent of saying "well we haven't caught Hitler, but it's ok because we've arrested some Hitler Youth". Somehow that just isn't reassuring.

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward


      IIRC we started at the bottom of the food chain with your bog-standard German soldiers and eventually worked up to the high command until Hitler was backed into a position where he was forced to neutralise himself before Ivan did it to him.

      Or are you saying that in WWII we should have avoided killing / capturing any Axis forces that were lower down the chain of Command than Hitler himself?

      On a serious note, this isn't an exclusive either / or situation: the filth don't have arrest rations such that after they have arrested X suspected Anonymous hackers they aren't allowed to arrest anyone else so arresting lackeys lets masterminds go free.

      Obviously plod is going after the low hanging fruit first it would be stupid of them to do otherwise.

      1. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward


        I was agreeing with you up to the point you said: "The filth"

        Why do you feel the need?

        1. Anonymous Coward
          Anonymous Coward


          What better term would you use, then?

        2. Mr Common Sense

          Why do you feel the need indeed?

          Maybe because it's shorter than typing out bent fascist scumsuckers or knuckle dragging mongoloids.

        3. Jan 0 Silver badge


          Because until they show themselves to be more law abiding than us, they are the filth, the grey fuzz, the pigs, or whatever uncomplimentary epithet you choose for this failed experiment.

      2. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        sorry, but no.

        They're only likely to ever catch the lowhanging fruit. I'm sure that the Grand Who... of Anonymous, whomever they may be, are just trying hard not to laugh at this point.

        anonymous, because I like the mask.

  6. WonkoTheSane

    Not Anonymous

    These people have been named, therefore they cannot be members of Anonymous.

    If they were members, the article would have read "two unnamed men".

  7. Graham Marsden

    "carry out an unauthorized act in relation to a computer"

    And in other news "Ohio man cuffed for shagging inflatable pool raft"...

    Why do these sound disturbingly similar offences?!

  8. Stevie


    Interesting that all these arrests are "men".

    Are lady hackers too busy or too intelligent to get involved in such nonsense?

    Or are they too insidiously clever to get caught, having arranged to surround themselves with this bunch of losers in order to escape detection and punishment?


    1. That Steve Guy

      Lady hackers

      Interesting you say that.

      The Sophos article on this story suggests that one of the arrested "guys" might be the hacker who went by the name "Kayla" in lulzsec, who as I understand it presented "herself" online as having the identity of a 16 year old Schoolgirl (but still not verified due to the fact nobody talked to her on Skype)

      here is the link.

      I guess there are no girlz on teh interwebz...

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