back to article Medion hides Android 3.2 tablet behind closed doors

Medion joined the throng of vendors touting an Android 3.2-based tablet at IFA, though it kept its offering, the LifeTab P9514 behind closed doors. We got to see it, though Medion was adamant that no snaps be taken, so here's the official publicity shot. As it stands, the fondleslab won't actually arrive until "the Christmas …


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  1. Giles Jones Gold badge


    Being Medion it will find its way to Aldi and the price needs to be good. £249 or less.

    1. Alfie

      I dont like tea, I like gin

      Knowing Aldi, they will beat Medion with a big stick until they get the price down to £199. And then they will sell out pronto!

    2. Patrick O'Reilly

      Lower still

      I'd say it'd have to hit £199, as one of the El Reg writers said of the Touchpad Firesale:

      £99 = Justify to wifey

      £199 = Justify to self

    3. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Wait a year...

      Then look for it on the Aldi bargain tables. Should be under £100. Fifty would be nice.

    4. david bates

      Being Medion...

      I wouldn't touch it at any price. I've some some decent stuff of theirs in the past but recently any Medion/Tevion stuff I've tried has been rubbish.

      They're the new Amstrad .

      1. DrXym

        Quality could be anything

        Medion / Tevion / Technika / Silvercrest / Alba / Bush / Cookworks et al are just in-house brand badges that appear on devices from disparate OEMs. You can't say one way or the other what the product will be like without reviewing it. Sometimes it might be pretty good, possibly being essentially the same device as a brandname product in a different fascia. Other times it could be a heap of crap.

        The answer therefore I guess is wait and see.

  2. Anonymous Coward
    Thumb Down

    Another Tegra II Android Tablet?

    With so many of them using the same basic bits what is the USP that will make one really stand out from the pack?

    Come on Google/Samsung/Medion and all the rest, we would really like to know.

    At the moment the non iPad market is getting so franmented that none of them stand out as the 'iPad killer', 'this season must have device'.

    With every new entrant to the market, the Apple marketeers must be saying, 'Come on, all the more the merrier'.

    I am deliberately ignoring any paten spated between the players in this market.

    1. Anonymous Coward


      They are all iPad killers (at least all the honeycomb ones). I have yet to see a bad Honeycomb tablet.

      The Asus Transformer is king of all the tablets, it's cheaper than a iPad2, has better resolution, better IPS panel, a keyboard, proper USB ports, HDMI, Card slots etc etc etc.

      The Tab is a great tablet too, the Xoom would be great if Motorola supported it properly in Europe.

      All of them are Android, and none of them have the limitations of Apples products. However Apple have bottomless advertising budgets, so 99% of consumers only know Apple. They don't know any better. That does not mean there aren't better tablets out there, as there are.

      1. DrXym

        Just too expensive

        Android 3.2 tablets have all been attractive devices. They're just too expensive. Hopefully with the market filling out the pressure to compete against each other instead of Apple will drive the prices down to sensible levels.

  3. Big_Ted
    Thumb Up

    Being Aldi

    It will have a 3 year warranty so thats worth a few quid on its own.....

  4. Stewart Knight


    Based on the make and the specification, it'll have to be very cheap to sell.

    If it's resistive rather than capacitive, I wouldn't pay more than a ton for one

  5. Brewster's Angle Grinder Silver badge


    ...for the discerning binman.

    Mine's the high vis jacket, thanks.

  6. John Sanders
    Paris Hilton

    where the heck...

    is the andy pad pro?

    wasn't it meant to ship now?

  7. twunt

    Oh Dear

    AC said 'All of them are Android, and none of them have the limitations of Apples products'

    You can go on about Apple restrictions all you want, but with over 100,000 iPad apps compared to 300 Honeycomb apps its a totally false arguement.

    So you are left with a 10inch tablet running apps designed to run on a 4inch phone, and £400 less in your pocket.

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