Who the hell writes this tripe?
Apple are a HARDWARE company! They make profits on HARDWARE. Not software! Steve Jobs himself has pointed out that Apple have paid out a mere $2bn. to developers *since the App Store opened!* Sounds like a lot, until you consider that the figure covers the period since the native SDK was released... in 2008! That's rather less than $750m / year. Given how many iApps are out there, it's hardly a massive number.
Now consider that Apple only gets to keep 30% of the sales from those apps, and it's clear that the App Store itself is making *peanuts* for Apple.
In fact, compared to the profits Apple makes from selling *physical, tangible, products*, the App Store's revenues are microscopic.
So, no, Apple do NOT care that the FT and its friends are buggering off to HTML5 and the web (where, incidentally, Apple TOLD them to go in the first damned place, when the original iPhone was launched). A website is a far more logical medium than an App. It requires far less maintenance and upkeep, and with Adobe finally getting with the programme, it's no longer the chore it used to be.
Developers have to jump through umpteen hoops and deal with Apple's preference for rapidly deprecating features, rather than supporting legacy applications until the heat death of the universe (yes, Microsoft, I am looking at you.) Apple are NOT a developer-centric company, and they never have been.
As far as Apple are concerned, they couldn't care less how you get your content to their customers, so long as those customers *buy Apple's hardware*. Because it's the *hardware* that forms the bulk of Apple's profits. By a truly massive proportion.
iTunes, the various App Stores, etc., are just a component Apple are including as part of their UX design process. They are NOT intended as profit centres in their own right. As long as they break even, Apple are happy.
So please, please, enough with this ill-informed dross masquerading as "analysis". A two-year-old could have seen this coming.