back to article Firefox offers glimpse of new tablet version

The chaps at Mozilla are showing off how well Firefox will work on a tablet computer, with new interface elements aping Honeycomb – but still no launch schedule. Firefox already has an Android version, and very nice it is too, but the emphasis of Firefox Mobile (which was known as Fennec during development) was always on …


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  1. Y||B


    personally I really like the hidden tabs on the android tablet version ... and the most important bit: the working adblock :-)

    count me as dubious for wasting screen space for ui elements that work perfectly fine hidden to the right and left.

  2. Anonymous Coward

    Hmmm, Opera copy anyone?

    The tabs down the side look rather Opera-like....

    Is it me, or is it every week that either Safari, Chrome IE or Firefox steal another Opera idea? Last week it was the Firefox Speeddial...

    1. dogged

      Oh, so it's YOU

      I knew there must be somebody who used Opera.

    2. PaulR79


      I'm so sick and tired of Opera fan(atics) insisting on posting that it had everything in the world before someone else did. I DON'T CARE! Opera may be a nice browser but the air of desperation that comes up with every "Opera had that first!" post is enough to get a thousand violins playing sorrowfully.

      You like Opera? Great! You use it because you like it yes? Other people prefer other browsers, hard to believe I know with Opera being so awesome in every way. Personally I do not care if Opera had invented the internet, computers, electricity etc because I do not like the program despite trying it numerous times. Why do you care? Opera aren't going to thank you for it and if they have a problem with it they can take Mozilla to court.


    3. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward


      I thank Opera for their innovations but frankly, I prefer my browsers by other people. It's got lots of things I like, I'm just not a fan.

      Using Opera is like buying a Merc S Class... you'll find some new thing that'll show up on everything else five to ten years down the line but no one really cares you found it there first apart from a few relentless bores.

    4. Patrick O'Reilly

      A little closer to home.

      Although you're not far off in the example provided, those tab's are much closer to Honeycomb's native task switching feature.

      Opera's Tablet UI is pretty unique and I wouldn't have a problem with people crying foul of that, but no one is near it at this time.

      As for tabs in general, there's an option in Honeycomb's default to totally hide the browser controls and tabs, which I find really easy to use. See:

      Pity the default browser is dog slow.

  3. GotThumbs
    Thumb Up

    Any chance Mozilla will be able to run on Apples IOS?

    I'm awaiting the time when Apple is taken to court for its continued isolation/control of what/how items can be loaded on to IPADs.

    Ah...Apples idea of freedom of individual choice.

    Apples fans....just don't drink the Cool-aid when Jobs passes.

    fyi google "Steve Jobs WOZ Breakout" for some insight as to Jobs ethics.

    1. Tim99 Silver badge



      OK, your entire posting history is about how you don't like Apple and Steve Jobs. You might need to get a little perspective. Pretty much all of the historic slate market has been a disaster - The modern fondleslab market only exists because of the iFondlePad...

      Myself, I have 2 Debian based computers, a MacBook Pro and an iPad, maybe a bit over the top since I am now retired, but the iPad gets used a lot.

  4. Anonymous Coward

    Opera Mini = El Reg comments fail

    Opera Mini can't even read the comments on El Reg :(

    1. Captain DaFt

      So it's not just my carrier then!

      And it's a shame, since my phone's default browser is complete crap.

    2. Tufty Squirrel
      Thumb Up

      But surely...

      ...that's another WIN for Opera. It could only get better if it also blocked comments on youtube, and replaced the entire contents of the Daily Mail's site with a giant flashing purple cock.

  5. Anonymous Coward

    Shame about ARMv6

    So taking Reg's review of the tablets recently, I bought a Viewsonic Viewpad 7. Since it (only!) has an ARMv6 compatible chip I can't run Firefox (ARMv7 only), and is likely to not run this either. Of course this is not el Reg's or my fault but Mozilla' for being so shortsighted.

  6. Nights_are_Long


    I liked Opera when I was using it up till a week ago on my MBP, the problem I had with it was two very common sites I used assumed i was coming from a mobile browser and only let me use the mobile version VBulletin would not allow you to access the Admin CP or the Mod CP when working from a mobile browser, the other had issues with images missing or grossly misshaped.

    Now back on topic, I quite like Mozila in the desktop and mobile versions but I am unsure that this is the right direction to go in on the mobile platform, I liked the hidden tab's the keep a already limited viewing area clean.

  7. Jean-Luc Silver badge

    Any chance Firefox tablet will run on iPads?

    I like my Jobsian gadgets well enough, but boy do I dislike Safari on iOS.

    Google Groups always befuddles it.

    It crashes randomly every so often.

    Some sites plainly render incorrectly on it.

    How about that Apple? Let users use alternatives to your software on iOS? Speaking as a generally appreciative customer who dislikes control freaks and would like a middle ground.

    1. Tim99 Silver badge
      Big Brother


      "Let users use alternatives to your software on iOS? Speaking as a generally appreciative customer who dislikes control freaks and would like a middle ground."

      They already let users have alternatives - Have you tried Opera?

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