The CIA has the Intersect already...DARPA only need to make a call to the Buy More :-)
Famous Pentagon mad-scientist bureau DARPA says it would like some miracle software to help hard-pressed US spooks and military intelligence officers trawl through the massive troves of imagery retrieved from gadgetry seized in the ongoing massive campaign of special-forces raids across southwest Asia. The new project has been …
Can't they just make a call to the producers of CSI, they've got this software already :-)
Seriously though, I work for a CCTV distributor and we often get people asking for this kind of stuff, and the usual comment when I say it's not something you can do is "well I saw them do it on CSI last week" - and these are CCTV professionals, not Joe Public.
I was also asked for "a really big camera, you know, like the one Google Earth uses", I gave that guy the number for NASA...
.... all this Stuff from the home (hideout), of a man who, reportedly, spent years being totally paranoid about anybody coming within ten miles of him with an active cell phone / laptop, or even one that was still "warm". I guess he must have been getting old and crotchety allowing this mountain of techno-junk to fill up his lair.
Did they find his tin-foil hat I wonder ?