One change...
British-born Tesco is one of the world's largest retailers with operations in 14 countries and more than 492,000 employees
Make that 13 countries and a few hundred less...
Supermarket behemoth Tesco has announced that US-based CA Technologies will take care of its IT network across the whole group. As well as your fruit and veg and the like, the £45m deal will see CA cast its eye over Tesco Group luminaries including Tesco Bank, Tesco Mobile and Tesco.com. The company will manage and monitor " …
CA are not really a Tech company focused on using technology to add value and do smart things. They are a super software sales outfit, who simply buy up lots of smaller software companies, f**k the code up, re-brand it, and then sell it as part of a massive pile of steaming s*** software to unsuspecting (silly) customers...Tesco, thank-you and goodnight.
I did wonder why they had a groupwide moratorium on IT spend. That'll be why then.
CA, though. Really? Everything CA's touched has turned to lead and sunk. You'd be better off getting Cap Gemini to do it - and that's as someone who wouldn't touch CG with a barge pole.