That's "hirsute" I think. Thanks for the tip, downloading now.
I’m not a big enthusiast of mobile phone photography. As long as the end result is in focus and the lighting doesn’t make it look like it was taken on the surface of some distant planet orbiting a green sun, I’m happy. If I want better, I use a real camera. But if your photographic emphasis is more on fun than verisimilitude, …
I also feel that a developer can't be worth much if they don't take the time to learn the platform well enough to implement App2SD support. If they can't even get that right, why am I supposed to expect they get more difficult things like battery usage right?
Another commentard said this was originally an IOS app. Half-assed port perhaps? It would explain the lack of support for Android-specific features like App2SD.
Unfortunately on Android we're getting more and more half-assed IOS ports (*cough*linkedin*cough*)...
no App2SD support - otherwise it'd be an instant purchase
PS don't care if its available for other platforms. you'd have to be a
bit of a twit to switch phone platform just for one nice little App - after all,
such an App could exist as a Cloud-based web application that you
simply e.g. tweet your photos to.
It is an interesting point regarding apps. The point is often repeated lazily and ad nauseam that apps discourage transferring from one os to another. I am not so sure *to what degree* this is true. Given that even paid apps are pretty damn cheap then unless a genuinely "mission critical" app is not available on the os one is considering moving to and or the new os' ecosystem has limited choice and numbers then I am not so sure how vital this point is. It may very well be the case that how comfortable the average punter is with the os/stock UI concerned and how much he/she likes the phone itself may have more to say than having to replace apps if one does transfer. Whatever, when and if web-apps begin to compete in terms of quality and availability thus eliminating the platform tie-in we will no doubt see.