I work with people who do marketing, but it's something I'm not massively fond of.
Thing is, I get it, I totally understand it's purpose, I totally understand how to do it. I just don't like it.
What I don't like, is that cruft like I posted above *reads* like it means something, but it means nothing at all.
There is good marketing - the non-bullshit type - but it's vastly outnumbered by the crap. Marketing tends to be the hideout of the fabulously talkative people person - huge ego, talk about themselves till the cows come home, not interested in what you have to say. Not so much blowing their own trumpets as getting an entire orchestra to do it for them.
It's as old as business itself - fact is, if you don't market, nobody knows your there. Unfortunately, it's reached a point where it's just massively out of control. It's everywhere, in your face, 24/7 - blaring competing 'buy buy buy' signals.
I could rant on for hours about it...
Bad marketing is where there's no decent product to back it up. Bad marketing is the attempt polish a turd, so sell a sows ear as a silk purse.
And in the digital world, there's a whole lot of turd to put into that purse...