back to article Apple after Steve Jobs is still Steve Jobs' Apple

Steve Jobs resigns as Apple CEO, Apple's stock slips, and five will get you ten that over the next few days a passel of pundits will pronounce Apple doomed without its visionary leader. They'll be wrong. Today's Apple is Steve Jobs' Apple – staffed by Jobs, steered by Jobs, focused by Jobs, and given its marching orders for …


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  1. Gritzwally Philbin

    Ping.. Pong.

    Ping? God no. Couldn't get that crap out of iTunes fast enough.

    Now can we make the 'cover flow' indexing Go Away?

    (ahem! How about a fangurl getting an icon or two? Paris doesn't cut it.. Maybe Peaches Geldof instead?.. oh, wait.. on second thought.. Hrmmm..)

    1. Matt Bryant Silver badge

      RE: Ping.. Pong.

      "......Maybe Peaches Geldof instead?...." I thought the Troll icon was Peaches!?!?! On a good day!

      Me, I'd suggest Katherine Heigl (yum!):

      I suppose I can forgive Katherine her taste in phones, it just goes to show no-one is perfect.

  2. Anonymous Coward

    Off to join as one with the ...

    ....Apple singularity?

  3. Anonymous Coward

    Where's me jumper

    Popping out later to buy myself a nice V-neck.

  4. Herby

    On the bench...

    There is always another Steve. He just doesn't have the marketing charisma as the original. Oh, well...

  5. Zack Mollusc

    Hooray for Mr Jobs' foresight!

    The suits that Jobs has hired will continue his good work, not like that jerk Sculley who ran the place into the ground last time.

  6. Sven

    Going for ...


    1. exemplary model;

    2. extraordinary teacher;

    3. wonder worker or source of benevolent power;

    4. intercessor;

    5. selfless, ascetic behavior;

    6. a life often refusing material attachments or comforts;

    7. possession of a special and revelatory relation to the holy.

    Probably not number 6, but we'll gloss over that one. Since our beloved leader Steve can make you buy something by touching it, he has some relation to the holy!

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Actually forgot two others.

      8. Megalomaniac

      9. Sociopath

  7. Chris 3

    The rumoured non-Mac Mac

    I'm sad to see Jobs go, simply on a human level, but it is interesting that the rumours of a radically redesigned Mac surfaced a few days ago. I believe them a little more now. I wonder whether Jobs felt that having pointed the Mac business in a new direction, he had completed as much of the mission as he had time for.

    I'll miss him, even though he was infuriating at times.

  8. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    re: Apple will slip someday, but it won't be because it lost its infallible leader.

    It can take a fair time for the impact of change in a companies leader to become apparent, especially a company doing really well as the momentum will keep them on track for a long way without any input from leader.

    It is normally the decisions the Leaders make today that impact future products that will drive the company up/down and we won't know the impact of those for some time

    1. L1feless

      RE:re: Apple will slip someday, but it won't be because it lost its infallible leader. → #

      "t can take a fair time for the impact of change in a companies leader to become apparent, especially a company doing really well as the momentum will keep them on track for a long way without any input from leader.

      It is normally the decisions the Leaders make today that impact future products that will drive the company up/down and we won't know the impact "

      I would normally agree. This statement would usually apply in most industries where the premise for their design does not completely change from one product to another. When you look at iPad2 or even new models within the MAC/Apple line-up I am certain that with Jobs style of product dev (small team which always included himself) he was a major voice in that design. With his type A personality and true vision (I don't even like Apple's products and I can recognize that). Eventually when the next project gets announced within Apple and Steve is not on that design team there will likely be elements which are left out or just not thought of. The biggest fail for Apple will likely be that they don't change enough in there future products from the older ones and consumers will start to call it out. I think a great example of missed vision is poorly executed transition is Microsoft.

      1. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        re: The biggest fail for Apple will likely be that they don't change enough

        I suspect the next couple of years/generation of products will already be set in progress or be improvements on current and won't be disappointing to the market.

        But it is what follows, which is where the new helm will kick in that will be the potential turning point and my guess that is two years away before it starts showing - and you are right it is how bold the new guy is in responding to other companies catching up as the worse thing they could do is more of exactly the same as it will be totally normal then

  9. Fab De Marco

    But how will apple succeed now

    Without someone in a roll neck telling us how to hold a phone. Whatever happens I hope his successor wears a roll neck. I feel it is important as part of Apple branding.

    1. Matt Bryant Silver badge

      RE: But how will apple succeed now

      Roll-necks are sooooooo last century, it's v-necks now, maybe crew-necks for the wannabe visionaries. The hint that roll-necks are so behind the curve is that Larry Ellison is usually sporting one....

      Thumbs up to Mr Jobs, you have to admire what he's achieved, and often by swimming against the tide. His career should be made compulsory reading for all MBA grads, whether they want to go into the IT industry or not.

    2. Sorry that handle is already taken. Silver badge

      The new turtle-neck... a suit jacket over a T-shirt.

  10. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward


    "pundits will pronounce Apple doomed without its visionary leader."

    Shirley Bassey said "it's simply a matter of history repeating"......

    Lets face it, Jobs did now't. Apple marketing made their, pretty simple devices, sexy to the pretty simple.

    1. magnetik


      Sure, 'coz Apple were doing soooo well before Jobs took back the reins, right?

      Call Apple customers "simple" if you like but you must be a bit simple yourself in failing to recognise what SJ did for Apple. Love him or hate him you can't argue with his results.

    2. Goat Jam


      That has to be one of the most patently idiotic comments I've seen, and I've seen some doozies.

      Did you forget to select the troll icon perchance?

  11. James Pickett


    "He can resign. But he'll never leave"

    Come on sub-editors. The phrase is 'check-out' (any time you like) - it was a reference to Hotel California, right?

    1. auburnman
      Thumb Down

      artistic licence

      'he can check out' could too easily be misconstrued as a dig at his health.

  12. Andrew 66

    A great article!

    Congratulations to the author on a very well written and considerate article.

    You can but admire Steve Jobs for his incredible ability to create a user base as committed as that of Apple, not to mention the really very impressive way he ran such a huge firm and occasionally, just occasionally, managed to invent something genuinely brilliant.

    Still doesn't mean I'll buy an iPhone though. But I do want a MacBook Pro...(with Windows 8 ;) )

    1. Graham Dawson

      WIndows? Pah!

      Put android on it.

      OkI'm done being silly. Put debian on it.

  13. Anonymous Cowherder

    The title is required, and must contain letters and/or digits.

    As much as I'm a linux & android fanboi, as much as I dislike Apple's approach to computing it is sad to see Steve step down and I hope that the rumours of his decreasing health prove to be untrue.

  14. Naughtyhorse

    well-versed in the Jobsian Way...

    so that'll be followers then, just what the company need, all indians no chief

  15. Richard Porter

    maybe IBM?

    IBM is a shadow of its former self.

    Btw I heard that Apple had invented a new dessert. It's called the iPud.

  16. Anonymous Hero

    I agree, this is what cults do

    Like Scientology, even from beyond the grave the cult's aims and ambitions still march relentlessly on to L. Ron's drum.

  17. DZ-Jay


    Bill, give it up. I win.



    Sent from my iPhone.

  18. John 62


    Charles Moore, Thatcher's main sycophant*, said she was ousted by her cabinet because she was arrogant, and got more arrogant. Jobs was ousted from Apple partly because of a board-room bust-up. Whatever Jobs's sociopathy, he must have learned from when he first departed Apple. I don't know if I'd work well with or for him, but I really like my MacBook.

    * I'm a Thatcher fan, but Moore, even though he is her official biographer, sometimes sounds a bit over the top.

  19. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    In the Image of.

    The problem for Apple will arise from whoever decides they want the God role. To picture the top echelons of any company this large as a humble group of worshiping drones is to completely miss the characteristics of people who have climbed the company ladder.

    There will be several individuals who see themselves as bearing the true flame of Mr Jobs and the battles will be dark and dirty and that is where the problems will arise. No doubt eighteen months or so of the future is carefully mapped but the new leaders, actual or self appointed, will find it impossible to not put tiny touches on the tiller, and before too long they will be facing in a completely new direction resolutely heading for a future with a new empagy to worship.

  20. Robert Synnott

    RE: He can resign, but he'll never leave

    Welcome to the Hotel Cupertino...

  21. yosemite

    ping failed...

    ....because Steve forgot to put a f**king "i" in front of it.

  22. Paul C

    It's not about products in the pipeline, or even the culture

    And it's not going to change now, because he's still chairman, and still alive.

    Once Jobs has left as Chairman, they've got a bigger problem. Who points the company in a particular direction? When different executives, product managers, etc. don't agree, who can really wrangle them? Jobs. It's not clear that anyone else can make decisions that step on toes and not drive out talented people at the same time. We've seen that happen at any number of companies, including Microsoft. It's easier to put up with s**t when you think you're working for a Messiah. And, having some idea of group dynamics, you're going to start to see a cultural divide (caused mostly by existing employees) between those who were hired during the Jobs era and those hired post-Jobs. And human nature being what it is, they may be insufferable jerks about it.

    Then there's the question of negotiating with other companies - studios, music labels, publishers, wireless carriers, etc. They're not going to be "afraid" of Apple without Jobs. They're going to push back, and push back harder then the newspaper and magazine publishers did over the subscription fees.

    And then there's the media. Prepare for an onslaught of "Has Apple lost its way" articles. Missteps smaller than some that Jobs made will be blown out of proportion and be seen as signs that the company is adrift. A fawning press has been part of the Apple PR machine, and they may turn on the company quickly once Jobs is completely out of the pictures.

    So, in the short run, no change since he's still a presence. After that? They've got a problem.

  23. Bob 18

    Apple Design

    Apple has great industrial design, and many have tried to copy it. The amazing thing about it is that plenty of other companies have failed to make anything half as good. These are all well-funded companies full of smart, ambitious people. But not Steve Jobs. I think Jobs is Apple's secret weapon here.

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Have you forgotten Ive?

      Surely if you think their industrial design is the key, then Jony Ive is the man to thank?

      After all, he is their Senior Vice President of Industrial Design.

    2. Giles Jones Gold badge

      Working relationship

      Dieter Rams got it right when he said this:

      "I have always observed that good design can normally only emerge if there is a strong relationship between an entrepreneur and the head of design. At Apple this situation exists - between Steve Jobs and Jony Ive. "

      There's probably very few companies where this relationship exists. I just hope Tim Cook has some taste.

  24. Rovindi

    a title is required and mustn´t contain rabid fanboi/anti-fanboi gibberish

    I´m not a huge fan of Apple products, but each to their own. I have an iPod and iTunes drives me frikkin´ potty. Grrr...

    Anyway, what Jobs has done since his return to Apple is incredible. Turning Apple into what it is today has to be one of the legends within IT (or any) industry. I´m sure it´s is or going to be required teaching on MBA´s or business studies courses all over the globe.

    They have one of the best Marketing teams ever. I think their early iPod ads, with silhouetted people bopping around, were incredible and iconic. I can´t think of another brand that has such amazing advertising.

    There is no denying their product design either. I mean they make really sleek and cute, bright shiny things. People love their Apple kit. Look at all the postings on this and many thousands of forums. Their customers are fanaticly loyal. Why? Because they make stuff that these people want. Failing that, they create new products (iPhone/iPad) that people didn´t know they wanted, but absolutely have to have. Smart. Very smart.

    Not many companies can have such a massive, global and passionate customer base.

    Whether you think the guy is a cock or God, there is no denying the man is a genius.

  25. Solomon Grundy

    Staffed by Jobs, steered by Jobs, focused by Jobs

    Not any more. Under Jobs, Apple was actually led (which means pushing and lots of yelling at staff). Without Jobs to do that the company will go back to what it was the first time they fired him. He did a GREAT job making the company what it is today but no one can be expected to fill that turtleneck. Apple will now run itself into the ground misinterpreting customer desires and making shitty products; just like before. Oh well. I never bought anything but my 2ns gen iPod from them anyway.

    I do think it's kinda sad that he appears to be leaving because of his health. I wish he was just saying f*(k it and moving to his own island with lots of topless women and a monkey butler instead of dying.

    1. Goat Jam

      Thumbs down

      By what metric does this post deserve three down thumbs?

      Is it not fawning enough of Saint Jobs?

      Or perhaps it doesn't confer an eternity of fire 'n' brimstone on Steve's Soul?

      I struggle to grasp the thinking of some commentards, really I do.

      Have a thumbs up on me. And a beer.

  26. Lockwood

    Steve's resignation letter, full text below:


  27. b166er

    Hotel California

    I see you were careful NOT to say check-out any time he likes

  28. Sarah Davis

    iCame, iSaw, iConquered

    RIP Mr Jobs

  29. The Grinning Duck

    Money Ferrets

    I just read that under Mr Jobs’ stewardship, the Apple share price rose by 6000%. Which is nice. Assuming the new guy doesn’t have the same zingy x-factor that attracts those emotional investor types and keeps the share price climbing like a ferret up a trouser leg, who’s going to be buying into Apple now? That Apple don’t pay dividends doesn’t matter so much if you can more or less guarantee that your investment will be worth a metric fucktonne more next week than last, but now? I guess we’re about to find out what people buy into, the man or the (shiny shiny) machines. Interesting times.

  30. AdamWill


    "So rest assured, investors, fanbois, and Apple aficionados of all temperatures, today's Apple is staffed by people well-versed in the Jobsian Way"

    Wasn't that equally the case in 1997?

    Didn't take long for things to go down the tubes then, did it?

    1. Oninoshiko


      I think the first lesson in the school of the jobsian way is "Don't fire Jobs."

      Clearly they weren't THAT well versed.

    2. Steve Todd

      1997 was when he returned to Apple

      He was sacked in 1985. It took management another 12 years to run Apple into the ground and need him back to fix the train wreck.

  31. pctechxp

    He's leaving to....

    spend more time with his iphone, ipad, Mac Pro.

    Seriously though, even though I don't particularly like his tactics or character as displayed in the stories about the responses he's given to people that e-mail him I sincerely hope he is just stepping back to recover from what he's been through and there's nothing more serious going on.

    I personally think though his health has taken a severe turn for the worse and he may not be serving as Chairman for long.

  32. Christian Berger

    There was a time before him

    There will be a time after him. His main achievement was to turn Apple into a religious cult, and to lower the production costs.

    Before him Apple actually manufactured their devices themselves. You got business quality devices.

    1. Anonymous Coward

      "business quality devices"

      Cheap plastic shite?

  33. Piro

    Regardless of what I feel about Apple

    Their recent abhorrent patent-trolling tactics, their closed systems which stamp down hard on anyone trying to customise their devices, their overpriced equipment (yet while still being built with the same Chinese labour as everyone else)...

    I still wouldn't wish the death of Steve Jobs, and I'm sure he's ushered in a lot of innovation in his time with not just Apple, but NeXT. Still, this shows you he's likely gravely ill.

  34. James Pickett


    "'he can check out' could too easily be misconstrued as a dig at his health."

    But this is El Reg! Double entrendres are a way of life here, Shirley?

  35. Anonymous Coward
    Thumb Down



    IBM is a rudderless company. They only exist due to inertia...

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