back to article Ultra-cheap HP TouchPads to hit UK at 6pm

In the wake of HP's decision to axe the WebOS platform, the price of the HP TouchPad has been falling quicker than Cristiano Ronaldo in the opposition's penalty box. The $99 offer which has seen hordes of people lapping up the slate Stateside, is about to be replicated in Blighty, with Dixons announcing dramatic price …


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  1. Pete 2 Silver badge

    But what does it do?

    It's all very well having one of these. But apart from fondling it, using it as a frisbee or putting it on the mantlepiece as an ornament; what can you actually do with it.

    It won't get any upgrades or fixes. It had hardly any apps for the webOS wotsit-thingy that it runs and nobody's going to write any new ones for it.

    Now if some enterprising enterprise (or individual) was to port iOS to it, then I reckon $99+VAT would be about the right price for a slab of fondling.

    1. Giles Jones Gold badge


      It's about iPad 1 in terms of speed and someone will get Android to run on it.

      It's a much better quality than anything else you'll get for £89.

    2. jubtastic1


      £89 is cheaper than a kindle, it may not be getting any updates but for what it does out of the box it's a steal at that price.

    3. Mike G

      crapps not necessary for cheapo tablet

      It has the web, email, and will function as a useful media player, which is all it needs to justify the new price considering these are the tasks that justify a tablets existence for the majority of users.

      You are correct in that there won't be a glut of thousands of useless tat apps that hold the attention for 5 minutes, and the dozen or so apps that have actual utility that can't easily be replaced by some web page or another.

    4. censored

      What does it do?!?

      Well it's got an excellent web browser with flash. It handles video playback, you can Skype, it has a great email client and calendar suite, you can view and edit Office documents, view photos, there are already Twitter and Facebook apps... all of this handled much better than a £200 netbook would manage

      what more do you want a sub £100 computer to do?

    5. hyartep


      it's got usable web browser, video player, mailer, probably some pdf/ebook reader. that's ok for most people.

      the rest will use some cyanogen.

    6. KitD

      Not iOS ...

      But there's Android coming v soon

  2. Mondo the Magnificent

    Wanton not....

    But..... according to what I've read on El Reg lately, no one wants a tablet, they want iPads!

    On a more serious note, who would seriously consider a heavily discounted fondleslab with no future?

    1. Paul Crawford Silver badge

      @Wanton not

      "who would seriously consider a heavily discounted fondleslab with no future?"

      If the price is right, which this is, I would. For idle web browsing or as a 'toy' for any visiting children it makes enough sense to get one.

      ^ my usual reaction to visiting children.

    2. Anonymous Coward
      Thumb Up


      I'd happily take one at that price. as a WebOS device there *might* be something in it.... with the latest WebOS this tablet behaved itself nicely.... however, if WebOS has no future then theres always eg Android - they've already mainly ported it to that device... that spec tablet for that price with Android = FTW.

    3. A 3

      @Mondo the Magnificent

      Somebody who just wants to use it to surf the web from the sofa, or who only intends to use Flash or HTMML 5.0 apps?

    4. Captain DaFt

      Me, for one!

      At this price, it'd be worth it as a new toy to experiment with.

    5. Anonymous Coward

      Re: Wanton not....

      If they gave everyone the possibility to root the devices and opened up the software, it'd be quite a viable piece of kit. Not everyone is obsessed with a choice of a billion frivolous bottom-joke and canned Web site apps.

    6. MattWPBS

      For that price?

      Got the 16Gb one for £89. Figure it's worth a punt to see if people manage to hack Android onto it.

    7. GregC

      "who would seriously consider a heavily discounted fondleslab with no future?"

      For £89 I would, it's a fun toy and there's already work happening on an Android port.

      Unfortunately they appear to have already gone from the Dixons site, if and when it eventually loads, and PC World isn't looking too promising in my neck of the woods either...

    8. Anonymous Coward

      Re: Wanton not....

      >On a more serious note, who would seriously consider a heavily discounted fondleslab with no future?

      Surely every linux fanbois on here. The sort who would religiously defend all that is linux and slag off Jobs and Gates inbetween gags whilst giving Torvalds a blow job. Those who would hack a toaster so that it could run linux. From some of the comments on these pages lately there must be thousands of pimply nerds living in their mother's basement with nothing better to do.

    9. Phil Endecott


      > who would seriously consider a heavily discounted fondleslab with no future?

      Someone who thought that they could perhaps "re-purpose" it in some way.

      My guess is that getting Android to run on it would not be very difficult.

    10. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      I've had more expensive lunches...

      >> On a more serious note, who would seriously consider a heavily discounted fondleslab with no future?

      I would. It's 90 quid ffs.

      It's for a bit of light browsing only.

      Shame it's not actually available, although the websites (dixons/pcworld/currys) are all carrying the new price, just no availability.

      Toodle pip.

    11. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward


      "On a more serious note, who would seriously consider a heavily discounted fondleslab with no future?"

      Android platform developers. :-) Mission on!

    12. Gary Riches


      There are plenty of people. My sister-in-law is using a 1st gen iPod Touch to look online as it's better than her laptop and she can't afford any alternative (I even gave her the iPod).

      She couldn't afford the £89 but we could have given it to her as a present and it would be a huge step up.

    13. Anomalous Cowturd

      @Mondo re: Who would?

      ME! But the web site says they don't have any anywhere, and you can't get delivery...

      A drive to the nearest PCWorld in the morning methinks...

    14. Piro

      Everyone would.

      Seriously, for this price, who gives a shit about future support. It'll be a fun toy, and if the community comes up with updates or some kind of Android, you'll be laughing.

    15. David Neil

      My 8 yr old daughter

      She gets to play Angry Birds on a tablet, I get to keep her paws off my phone

  3. Tim Greenwood

    It's not even the 1st of April

    At those prices I am actually tempted, and I haven't even been looking for one.

    That's assuming that the prices are genuine.

    1. Mike Judge
      Thumb Down

      Of course they aren't genuine.

      Conviently sold out at 6PM on the dot, the page then shows where you can buy an equally obsolete Advent Vega running Android 2.2 for £199...

      Seems like a trick to pull in the idiots...

      1. Geoff Campbell Silver badge
        Thumb Up

        Yes, they are genuine

        Predictably, of course, the web sites for all retailers crashed. I got one into my cart on PCWorld, to find they don't deliver, and then Dixons, which got dumped when the system went down. Finally bagged one from Carphone Warehouse, shortly before they sold out.


  4. This post has been deleted by its author

    1. richard 7


      Argos, Comet, Currys, Bestbuy, phone systems are down too.

      Tesco wont price match :(

      I actually had two in my basket ready to rock then Commets site hiccuped and all now out of stock.

    2. Marky W


      Got to the 'select payment method' page, then got a load of hash (####) text, then thrown out again to be told my basket is empty. Neither 16 or 32Gb pad now available.

      Oh well.

    3. Vic

      Re: Site Down

      > Seems that dixons site has already gone down at 18:00 ;)

      It started playing up at 18:00

      I managed to get some tablets ordered - twice - but failed to complete checkout; the site kept sending me back to its home page with my basket emptied.

      I wonder if this was just a ruse to get people to register...


      1. Anonymous Coward

        People who waited until the Dixons drop were never going to get anything

        It was pre-announced that Dixons would be dropping their price. It was also known that Dixons would offer partial refunds following any price reduction (standard DSG practice of price matching for 7 days after a sale).

        Therefore anyone wanting a low price Touchpad just had to buy at the full price safe in the knowledge they can request a partial refund for the difference from Dixons once the price dropped.

        Buyers that waited until the price had actually dropped had virtually no chance of completing a sale - all the stock had been sold prior to the price drop as the savvy buyers piled in hours earlier.

        In many respects it was all a bit of a scam as online buyers who patiently waited were never going to get anything.

    4. Flocke Kroes Silver badge

      Site currently up

      It says "Product unavailable", and recommends something much lower spec at the same price for the unwary to buy by accident.

      1. Anonymous Coward

        Re: Site currently up

        "It says "Product unavailable", and recommends something much lower spec at the same price for the unwary to buy by accident."

        Ah, the old Dixons bait-and-switch, erm, I mean upsale, erm, helpful customer service.

  5. Anonymous Coward

    What a joke!

    I was refreshing the page on the pc world website when it went from 349 to 89 for the 16gb model, none available for delivery.. none available at a store near me, instantly. Either a website fail or misadvertisement.

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: What a joke!

      It would be hilarious if HP's misadventure ended up putting Dixons in hot water with the ASA over doubts that they had any to sell at that price. At least if Dixons got a stiff fine, anyway.

      1. MattWPBS


        There's people (like me), who got them.

  6. John P
    Thumb Up

    Too slow

    I haven't been looking for a tablet but for these prices, I would seriously consider getting it (and tried but was too late). Will work okay as a basic browsing device then it would just be a matter of waiting for someone to port Android or Linux to it.

    That price for that hardware is a frikkin' steal!

  7. Mark Wilson

    Sold out

    Both PC World & Dixons - at that price it is disposable and even if you just use for email and browsing for a couple of years it is worth it. Comet seem to have it in stock but haven't reduced prices.

  8. elsonroa

    Want but don't need...

    After trying all the usual places, it looks like anyone who was selling at the firesale prices is now out of stock. So my extensive collection of 'dead' technology will have to do without a TouchPad for now.

    Maybe someone in HP marketing needs to learn about price elasticity of demand. At 400 quid nobody wants one. At 100 quid they can't shift them fast enough. Surely there must have been a price point between the two where they could have turned it into a viable business...

  9. David Webb

    PC World

    Dixon's ran out, PC World has both in stock (for collect at store) not sure about Currys but I'd try the dixons chain of stores if you want one.

  10. Paul Crawford Silver badge


    All sold now according to Dixon's web site :(

    See HP? Price it so it is 'value for money' and it will sell. Aim for iPad prices without the apps & polish and it won't. Simplez?

  11. phils11


    there's a very good chance that android will get ported to it now with a bounty of $1500 being offered and a video appearing on Youtube appearing recently promising it in two days

  12. Gio Ciampa

    Who'd want one?

    Well... there's there guys...

  13. petur

    To the people up there who don't know what to do with it

    Since most seem to use their tablet for surfing and mail reading, and this one has those apps, I figure it has 95% of the usecases covered.

    Oh, and this one can show web pages properly, that is, with the flash content...

    And for the rest, it's linux, there have been people running ubuntu on it (chrooted) and android, so for the time this kind of hardware lives, it has a bit of future covered.

  14. AlgernonFlowers4

    Damn you! God damn you all to hell!

    Having bought one from the US and paid the exorbitant shipping charges because there was no reports on El Reg about UK price cuts, El Reg finally really did it. You maniacs! You posted this today! Damn you! God damn you all to hell!

  15. PowerSurge

    I succumbed

    It's very nice device. My lad says it's nicer than ipad. I was lucky, first come first served. only had 2.

  16. Magnus Ramage

    Too late!

    All appear to be sold out now, both at Dixons and PC World. Nice idea while it lasted... (Especially since there's an Android port coming, the hardware is sound, and the stock apps good.)

  17. Hetz Ben Hamo

    Mondo - many people

    Would love to have the Touchpad to read e-books, watch a movie/episode of something, listen to music (it has the best speakers that any tablet has!), maybe play a game or 2..

    And many people who plan to buy it wants an Android tablet. At that price, why not?

  18. durandal


    They didn't last long!

    On ebay in 3... 2... 1...

  19. The Indomitable Gall

    The big question...

    What's the hardware under the hood, and is it compatible with... Android...?

  20. mark l 2 Silver badge

    Android or Meego

    At that price for the hardware alone it would be worth purchasing one as although WebOS has no future I am sure someone will work out how to root them and install Android or Meego or some other linux on there. And even with WebOS Its got to be better than the £99 Android tablets that you get from china

  21. Headley_Grange Silver badge

    Not Sorry for HP

    I was an early adopter of HP tech. The 9826 was possibly the best computer I've ever used. My HP11c calculator, which I bought about 200 years ago, is still going strong and is probably the best engineering calculator ever made. A few years ago I bought an HP laptop and a HP printer and after this experience the only thing made by HP that I'd ever consider buying would be a replacement for the 11c should it get run over by a tank and come off worse (pretty unlikely, I know). Good to see them reaping the benefits of forgetting that it's what customers think that matters.

  22. Anonymous Coward


    Someone more savvy than the CEO of HP would have done this as a market-spoiling loss-leader: dump stuff that you're generally unhappy with, retreat, come back in a while with a better offering when everyone is looking to upgrade. Or just stiff the punters on the apps and accessories - it's not as if HP don't know how to do that.

    But the CEO will be sticking to his guns. Maybe he'll demand the offer pulled within minutes in order to have a self-fulfilling prophecy of failure: "We couldn't sell any even at reduced price!"

    Actually, on second thoughts, that's how Nokia would pull this particular stunt.

  23. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward


    >A 16GB HP Touchpad will soon set punters back £89, down from £350, while a 32GB model will cost £115, down from £430. Wow

    And I'd bet they won't be losing money at those prices.

    1. David Neil


      HP are taking a heavy loss to get out of the market here

      1. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        @David Neil

        It's a good job I don't gamble, but hey, if they can charge double to make a profit they can still sell twice as many at half cost than they've already sold and they will break even. I suspect they'll be selling many more at the lower price but it won't be so catastrophic for them once the accountants have finished.

  24. Alan 6 Silver badge

    Seems to be sold out

    Just managed to get on the site at 18:10, clicked the 16gb model and that just shot me back to the main menu, navigated back to the 32gb version, the site was like swimming through treacle, and was offered some 7" tat from Advent at £129.99 instead...

  25. Steve Davies 3 Silver badge

    no stock

    Anywhere near me. The guys in my local PCWorld were laughing their heads off at lunchtime. They had zero stock since the middle of last week.

  26. Snark

    no shock...

    Sold out before I could complete checkout.

  27. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward


    Wow, looks like they weren't expecting that load. Nor do they seem to have any to sell.

  28. Weird_George


    I had one in the shopping cart, it fell over on the payment page, didn't take payment, when I refreshed, it said it was out of stock on a terribly formatted page. DSGi = Feckin' useless.

  29. Dapprman

    Did they have more than just 1 in stock ?

    Big joke, at £89 it's worth a punt, however every one else seemed to think so. Managed to get one in my basket and it stayed there right until I went to pay for it, then it vanished.

    Does feel like they only had a few and this was a con to just get more punters through the website. Poor till system as well if it doesn't put a temporary reserve your chosen item(s) so you can actually complete the purchase.

  30. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward


    At that price I'd buy one. Well I would if Dixon's site could cope with demand - crashed just before payment for a 16GB one, now says 32GB out of stock.

    I don't see what sort of future it needs - the internet isn't going anywhere, it can connect to that until it wears out. Useful lifespan will be the same as any other tablet device and the hefty price reduction makes it the best value product at the moment.

  31. Gordon 10 Silver badge

    Cheap toy?

    Cheap toy for kids, good for in car use.

    Play with ubuntu on it

    Etc etc etc.

    Keeps them off my iPad

  32. NeedsCoffee

    Out of stock already?

    At £89 I'd buy any piece of shit fondleslab. I've used one of these at work and I know they can at least do the basics. Sod the fact they don't have any apps to play with! Let the fire-sale commence!!!

    Oh bugger...the 16GB version has already disappeared from the store and the 32GB version is showing as not available. Fabulous :(

  33. Fuzz

    All gone?

    Looks like I missed out by seconds, it showed up at £115 but as soon as clicked on the link they were all gone and the price was back > £400

    Shame the 16GB model would have been ideal as a living room, instant on, web machine and £89 would be about the right price.

  34. Cletus

    Someone wants them

    Out of stock everywhere near me (Cheltenham).

    For £90 it would be a good tool for casual browsing

  35. Nick Haw

    Not available anymore...

    Dixons site suffered a slow and painful death. Was in the process of ordering one of these and couldn't go any further. Looks like they've removed the product all together now.

    Will have to camp outside my local dixons tonight to see if I can get one that way ;)

  36. TuckerJJ

    Sold out...

    I wanted to nab one for my girlfriend to stop her hogging the iPad. She only uses it for Internet and maps, so this would've been fine.

  37. sugerbear

    I fear

    That HP are not long for this world. I wonder how cheaply they will sell off Autonomy in a couple of years after deciding they are actually a hardware company.

  38. Ben Brandwood

    All gone already!

    Can't find one anywhere!

    Anyone want to sell me one :)

  39. Bad Beaver
    Paris Hilton

    now what about the Pre?

    I really don't need the fondleslab but would be happy to pick up the Pre 3 … at €99.

  40. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Android soon ?

    Now *that* would be worth shelling out £89 for - if Android can be made to run on the device, successfully, then WOW.

  41. Mark Dowling

    Turn off logging

    Apparently HP ship Touchpad with ridiculous amounts of logging enabled. Disabling some of that gives significant speed-up. I was hoping to get one for my mother-in-law for gmail and music, nothing a full iOS4 gadget is required for.

    Hopefully the UK retailers and HP UK are better prepared than the Laurel and Hardy act performed by HP US, HP Canada, Best Buy et al.

  42. Richard 33

    Reserved one ...

    Although the chances of it actually being there when I go and pick it up tomorrow 10am seems about 50/50.

    1. Richard 33

      Re: Reserved

      As predicted, my "reserved" HP Touchpad mysteriously disappeared from the system when I got to the store this morning.

      A rush of Currys employees flogging Touchpads on ebay in 3 ... 2 ... 1 ...

      1. Richard Wharram

        Me too

        In Huddersfield this morning. Waited an hour for it to open and was told they'd got my reservation and I would be getting one. When I got in the store I was told they had no record of it on the system.

      2. Stuart 18

        Lawsuits?? Class action?!?!?

        Okey dokey, as per guy above I reserved one -16GB- yesterday evening at the Bedford PCWorld 32GB was showing out of stock but 16 showed as available and successfully completed. Confirmation E-mail also received within ten minutes.

        Went to the store at 9:15am to be informed it was sold out just right before a guy showed up with notices for hanging on the door! I received the usual attempt at blame transferal with the business manager saying he'd tried calling me and had left a message. Logically enough I'd put my home number into the ONE SINGLE mandatory phone number field,which the manager latched onto criticizing the lack of a mobile number.

        Turns out they'd only bothered calling at 8:30 am, when I was out progressing toward PCWorld via gym and Costa. I didn't receive until just now. Even then the message only said it was about my order, not stating anything about lack of availability! Big FAIL on so many counts.

        I calmly (no really) addressed all these issue with the two in-store managers explaining my wish to escalate until a satisfactory, touchpad possession, conclusion. All contact details exchanged ( wouldya believe they claimed my E-mail, submitted on same form as phone number and actually checked as still only showing positive order confirmation five mins before proceeding to store, wasn't available to the store, due to some online business separate crap!) All to gain some flannel that there is a further stock shipment due and I only had one guy in front of me!?

        Long story just to conclude that there must be a dropped legal ball on their part and would love to know of such ramifications that may apply. I do not recall 'visible' small print or any check boxes / notifications that "reserved" only applied to your new random lottery ticket for the product you'd jumped through hoops for!

        Cheers Stuart

  43. jai

    sold out

    so seems the ploy worked, i couldn't find any available on their site now.

    i was almost tempted too, but then, there's a very good reason why they're discounting the price so much, so probably a good thing other people got there first before i came to my senses and realised that even at that price, it's a long way from a bargain

  44. Anonymous Coward

    Looked at the UK HP site...

    ... and the prices are still up at the pre-drop levels.

    To be honest, they're so incompetent they deserve to go under, and they will...

  45. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Tesco out of stock

    Despite still being at full price. I smell artificial scarcity.

  46. Dazzz


    Carphone warehouse site went down too, it was just showing a maintenance message when I clicked on the link, couldnt back to the front page either.

  47. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    HP plot

    The way the web shops were falling over handling the firesale orders made me realise the real HP strategy: this was all meant to push web companies into buy more servers... and guess who makes a lot of servers?

    I can see the HP salesmen already at the door of DSG, Carphone Warehouse, etc bright and early tomorrow morning with their quotes and shiny brochures.

  48. Peter Gordon
    Thumb Up

    typing this

    on my £115 32gb touchpad. Got it from the bristol best buy store. I popped in on my way home from work, and it was full price, but they let me reserve one to buy if the price did indeed drop. It dropped, and they kept their word!

    1. Marky W

      Smug git

      See title.

      (yes, I am jealous)

  49. The BigYin

    I suspect...

    ...foul play. The Touchpad was on the Dixons site at full price just before 1800, at 1800 *to the second* it went unavailable.

    I doubt it ever went on sale in the UK at this price and that the whole exercise was just a PR stunt by DSGi to try and save their sorry asses.

  50. soliduss
    Thumb Down

    Completely GONE

    I hope they slash the price again. Several shops still have stock but at full price. GO ON HP GIVE US ANOTHER CHANCE

  51. Anonymous Coward

    They were all sold out LONG before the DSG price drop

    DSG offer to price match up to 7 days after sale, so all those that were aware of this pricing policy piled in hours before the price actually dropped, and claimed a partial refund afterwards.

    This meant that there was *never* any stock available at Dixons/PC World/Currys (all the same from an online perspective) once the price drop became effective on the online web sites - it had all been sold hours earlier at full price.

    DSG scammed a vast number of people by leading them to believe they had a chance of buying a cheap Touchpad online after the price had dropped... they knew savvy buyers were snatching up all the available stock and that there would be none left by the time the price was reduced - one of their managers was tweeting all afternoon about the impending drop, building up interest in something that would DSG knew would be a major fail.

    My advice now would be to update your Dixons, PCWorld and/or Currys online account with fictitious name, address, date of birth, and telephone number as you're not likely to need it again, and before you fall victim to identity fraud (as you surely will knowing - from bitter experience - DSG's lax approach to online security and apparent total ignorance of online fraud).

  52. Jim Morrow

    no luck at comet or pissy world

    i tried to get a cheap touchpad from the local branches of comet and pissy world. but I couldn't get into the shops for the hordes of people buying symbian handsets.

  53. Steve Evans


    How many did they actually have? It does strike me rather odd that all the companies that discounted them have sold them all within such a short space of time... Apart from us nerds on here (and similar sites), who knew, and who would want one?

    Bet they find a few more in the next couple of days, but they'll cost more.

    Either that or their websites have a built in "weird sales pattern detected, shutdown" protection to cover them if somebody accidentally enters and incorrect price.

    Yes, yes, I know, I have a suspicious mind!

  54. Anonymous Coward
    Thumb Down

    No price drop on Amazon... at 6.15 this morning.

    1. Jedibeeftrix

      the drop already happened

      i managed to order some at midnight last night.

      sorry dude. :(

  55. Uncle Slacky Silver badge

    Still some in France

    If anyone's interested, Darty seem to have at least the 32Gb model available for €129:

    and may also still have 16Gb models at €99:

    1. Dapprman

      Now all gone

      so never even got a chance to see what the postage would have been.

  56. paulc

    Finally... they find the correct price point...

    around £100 and people will buy it...

    I'm on the hunt for one tonight and will be putting Linux on it...

  57. Mike Brown

    i think i got one

    amazon had them the 16gb at £89 early this morning (12.15am) , they showed as temp out of stock, but allowed me to buy it. its now showing as not yet dispatched. so fingers crossed.

    quite looking forward to it. at £89 its a steal. even if android never turns up, webos seems like a competant system for surfing, iplayer and generall fondle tom foolerly.

    1. Jedibeeftrix

      "its now showing as not yet dispatched. so fingers crossed."

      me too.

  58. mzungu
    Thumb Up

    I got 2 32gig touchpads. One for me, one for the parents

    Bought them off PC world at 09h30 this monrning. Have the confirmation email, so now lets see if they actually arrive...

  59. Anonymous Coward

    "on the hunt for one tonight "

    The cheaper ones seem to be going for at least £150 at the Sunday market/eBay. But you knew that anyway.

  60. andy gibson

    Ah, consumerism

    People are worried about rising costs in fuel and food, the security of their job. But throw a discontinued piece of tech at them with a huge discount that they probably don't want or need and they can't wait to empty their wallets.

  61. Anonymous John


    My local Comet had price tags showing the reduced prices but no stock, just a display one which they wouldn't sell me. Insisting that was because they were getting more in (date unknown), and that HP hadn't discontinued them. Nothing odd about a 75% price cut, and a customer making a 150 mile round trip to collect one apparently.

    I think I'll try to speak to the manager tomorrow.

  62. Anonymous Coward
    Thumb Down

    Also in NZ, slabs been taken up by tech staff

    is that actually legal?

    1. David Neil


      no further comment

  63. irrelevant
    Thumb Down


    Saw this last night, and DSG webstores were all showing out of stock. Phoned round all the local stores this morning, and nothing available. Nobody had to go away and check... "They're Rocking horse shit" said one store.. Shame; the Mrs was interested in one to play with..

  64. Anonymous Coward

    I know where they've gone!

    Spoke to a guy in PC world. He said they'd got hold of 10 of them and sold them to the staff and now they couldn't get any more.

    I guess that'll be where most of the units went that were sold before the doors opened.

  65. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Those french ones

    Are not just out of stock, they no longer exist.

  66. This post has been deleted by its author

  67. This post has been deleted by its author

  68. Rob Daglish

    <sniff sniff> is that fish or rat I can smell?

    When I told the missus about this, she fancied one to play with rather than an iPad, especially at that price. Both the Pc world and currys I tried this morning had never had stock, but they seemed to be satellite branches of belfasts larger stores, so possibly...

    Pc world site still shows them as "in stock for collection of home delivery", but when you click on link, they're unavailable and they try to sell you and advent tab. Now I've got to disinfect my eyes.

    Argos have stock at full price, cpw have very definitely got no stock, and go so far as to say don't even ring us to ask when we're getting it back in stock, comet don't mention it at all.

    Call me suspicious, but yesterday, there were hundreds of thousands of these sitting in the channel. Surely to goodness, they can't all have been sold overnight? Or have they built a temple out of them to sacrifice HP on?

    I'll give our local store a try tomorrow, but I'm not holding out much hope, so I guess I'll just have to keep saving for the ipad2 with 3G.

  69. Justin 9
    Thumb Up

    Got me a 32gb one home delivery from pcworld

    Couldn't believe my luck when it was available for a split second online.

    Still give it to the other half so she can play her faceybooky thing without loading up our aged laptop.

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