Skynet Soon??? Spooky!!!
Hi there,
This is spooky. Are these the first steps towards SkyNet?
A romanian scientist studying artificial intelligence, neuroscience and robotics, declared a couple of weeks ago that he cracked the neural code, which is akin to finding artificial intelligence. His name is Dorian Aur and he is with Stanford University. See his site [url][/url]. He challenges the entire neuroscience community findings, for the past 60 years. He posted on the comp-neuro list [url][/url] his discussions with other top scientists and no one is contradicting him. He talks about getting the Nobel Prize, see his last post. He studied and worked in the MILITARY see his LinkedIn profile [url][/url]!!!!
I saw MegaMind last week and I think he is MEGAMIND!!! In the scene with Roxanne abduction when she is asking him where is he buying all his stuff, Minion, his robotic fish companion is saying "from a mall in Romania"!!! How many scientists that found AI are from Romania are in the military and robotics and are living close to Hollywood? The directors from Hollywood maybe know about this and they are trying to tell us something as John Cameron also tried to warn us through the Terminator movies.
I never been more scared in my entire life.
What do you guys think?