Sell to men
You could sell a whole lot more if you made them available with an optional docking unit?
A San Francisco design firm has produced one of the most provocative human-machine interfaces we've seen in some time: a USB drive that doubles as a personal vibrator. "In a world where high technology and luxury design seem to touch every corner of our lives, the most intimate experiences should be no exception," Crave …
An acquantaince of mine made a 'happy kitty' java app for a nokia many, many years ago. The happier the cat was, the more it 'purred', thanks to the new pager motor API. Made quite a few sales of that one.
I do recall there have been some entertaining issues regarding the duty cycle on the motor drives and pager motors in some android devices. Sustained high power use can result in overheating and permanent damage. To the phone, one presumes.
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a whole new genre of interactive pron software which has some kind of kinect-like feedback on how you are reacting to it, and tailors the images and the vibe to suit.
You could even get it to store which level you got to.
And in all fairness, there needs to be a male version, this can't just be for the womens.
Freaky, I mean now having seen the product (courtesy of El Reg) and some woman [or man] was to pass me over one of those USB come sex toy efforts, I'd absolutely refuse to handle it on the grounds that I "do know where its been"
All I can say is that it would be most entertaining if the vibrator function kicked in when interfaced while presenting in a boardroom meeting. It would lead to every exec in the meeting scrambling for their muted Blackberrys (other business savvy smartphones are avaialble)
Strangely enough, from this day onwards I will certainly pay attention to every oversized and shiny USB Storage Device I ever see...
that's the basic problem here I reckon - if they got permission to make em look like a kingston flash drive or summit they will sell, but as it is, IF they do get popular it's a pretty big statement to have a vibrator sticking out the side of yer laptop at meetings....
...that flash storage can withstand up to 1000G acceleration....
- Now, should this drive remain plugged prior to use until it reaches 38 ºC?
- And how much pressure can it withstand?
- Is the USB port cover removable? Or can one *misplace* it by accident?
I urge the intended target audience to test it and report back...
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... a BlueTooth storage device for your pr0n. No need to 'unplug' it just to plug it into your laptop USB port.
BlueTooth control makes for some interesting applications (remote control toys have already been developed for this). But the ability to join the vibrator to one (or more) mobile devices running remote control apps (possibly anonymously) could make for some interesting party games.
The punchlines....
While I certainly admire the designer's inginuity, I'm already wondering about when they start showing up in the office? Will data files be backed up more regularly or will there be a drop in productivity, by 50% of the workforce?
As a part time desktop tech who has to help folks out with regular usb drives, I'm wondering about how I should react when a customer rings, complaining about something that has gone awry with their product (the storage component).
If I buy a couple of cases of these things for executives (as gifts to the ladies), do you think the mood might lighten up a little bit?
I'm also wondering that if I jam a thumb drive into an unused oriface of a blow up doll, if I can claim her as a legitimate business expense, as storage? Or would that fall under entertainment?
And as a sidebar about the possibility of a buttplug offering... I do believe that would be best marketed to the Apple crowd, for rather obvious reasons.
I don't understand anymore...
Some folk have one of those brightly coloured wristband USB drives so they always have some storage with them.
Could this be an alternative for lady geeks?
Also reminds me of a previous ElReg article: