back to article US breakthrough in Oz bomb hoax case

NSW Police are about to apply to extradite a 52-year-old Australian arrested in Louisville, Kentucky, over the Madeleine Pulver bomb hoax. This morning, Sydney time, police announced the arrest, saying that the unnamed man collared by NSW police and FBI officers has “no known relationship” to the family. Police say he was …


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  1. bleh_meh
    IT Angle


    I never knew that elReg was becoming a mainstream news outlet, or is this an attempt to take some market share from Murdoch!

    1. Sorry that handle is already taken. Silver badge

      "Madeleine Pulver, daughter of software millionaire Bill Pulver"

      There isn't much information now but the story may turn out to have some industrial intrigue associated with it.

  2. kain preacher


    Whats Australian for fucked proper mate ?

    1. rjmx

      Australian for fucked proper mate ?

      Up sh*t creek in a barbed wire canoe without a paddle.

    2. Sorry that handle is already taken. Silver badge

      Australian for fucked proper mate ? Part 2

      She's cactus mate.

  3. Head


    This is only news cause Madeline is hot

  4. Urh


    I must confess that I hadn't even heard of this news "story" until Mediawatch last night, in which they covered the borderline stalking that the media engaged in. I'm already sick of hearing about it.

    1. Ru

      I can't believe The Register would force you to read this article

      I also feel rather sad that they feel your attention is so important that they'll send the goons round to hold you down and scroll uninteresting stories past your eyes, but don't care about what I read at all. I've not had so much as a threat telling me to click more ads or face the consequences.

      What's so special about you, huh?

  5. Sam Liddicott
    Big Brother

    Some government lackey has been terminated

    > Police say he was under surveillance for several days

    > before taking off for America.


    > The assistant commissioner says the arrested

    > man “was not a suspect at the time he left [Australia]”.

    So why was he under surveillance? Perhaps all citizens are all the time?

  6. breakfast

    New South Flippin' Wales

    I would appreciate it if NSW would add a word beginning with "F" between the South and the Wales so that I can stop being momentarily baffled every time I read their initials and instead become permenantly baffled.

  7. dotdavid


    Am I the only one that keeps reading NSW as Not Suitable for Work?

  8. Naughtyhorse

    The big question is...

    What was the Tai-Pan reference?

    1. Annwyn

      Re: The big question is...

      Just the main character's name apparently, although the Daily Telegraph was kind enough to report which parts of the book THEY felt were relevant.

  9. kain preacher

    Unscheduled stops

    Beware of Unscheduled stops on a certain tropical island. His US citizenship won't mean a thing .

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