HTC are ROCK hard
I have a magic.
I have fallen on it while drunk.
dropped it in a river.
Punch my mate with some force while holding it.
dropped it down a metel fligh of stairs.
dropped it down a carpeted fligh of stairs.
dropped it of my desk. MANY times.
placed in a pool of tea.
sat on it..
Dropped it in the mud along the canal, dragged it along by my headphones for a foot, reeled it in and contined running(damned if I was going to let it effect my pace)
dropped it from chest hieght onto a wooden floor.
the last instance was in an orange shop while talking to a windows phone promoter. the look of utter horror as the phone fell hard enough yo scatter the battery followied by awe as i turned it back on without a worry, is somthing I will remeber for a long time
Its VERY well worn but works perfectly.
as you can see i'm pretty clumbsy(i broke the previous phone in 24hrs)
If your is as solid as the magic you have nothing to fear.