Why do bosses always get bonuses, no wonder people are so dismal these days.
"senior bosses pocketing bonuses of £14,000 or more"
Unionised workers at Fujitsu are being balloted for strike action after they were refused below inflation pay rises. The Public and Commercial Services (PCS) union is testing the appetite for industrial action among 750 IT support staff at the integration arm of the Japanese giant working on government contracts across the UK …
If I worked for a company that exceeds its stated financial goals, then yes, I *do* expect to be rewarded for the effort that I and my colleagues have invested in that success. The wider economy might be 'dire' but Fujitsu, like other companies, are successfully meeting or exceeding their goals. Why shouldn't their workers get a reward?
The Fujitsu spokesman's viewpoint is, perhaps unsurprisingly, not shared with this union member, who would describe it as, "The union took the members' demands to management, all of which were refused, so the union moved to a ballot to ask whether the members would take industrial short or including strike action to demonstrate the strength of feeling behind those demands".
Against that background of broken promises it starts to look like a less unreasonable course of action.
AC because, well, just because.
Group bargaining has a lot going for it, strikes are a rare occurrence. If you look at any large company you'll see different groups of employees in unions and some that aren't, guess which ones get a bigger payrise. Those not in a union have no recourse, other than going to their line manager who is probably in exactly the same boat and get no where.
Its not like most of them are there to help you.
They are mostly, like the senior management, bloodsuckers of your every penny.
The only thing they know how to do is strikes and BEWARE if you're an member and say NO,
They'll crucify you were you stand.
And why should those lazy Union bums be payed more than the other workers.
Epic Fail.
not as much as you'd lose out on if you weren't.
> And why should those lazy Union bums be payed more than the other workers.
They shouldn't, but without a union what can you do, go cry to your boss, say you are unhappy, chances are they are too? Say that you are going to work to rule will get you nowhere, in fact will likely set you back when it comes to the next promotions board. In my experience IT workers are a lot likely not to be in a union that many other industries. One place I worked at had an employees forum, they got to decide what coffee was bought, thats about it. a different office got a 2% more pay rise than us, why? Because management could, sure people whined a bit more for a bit but after a while began to believe they were lucky to have a job.
Went to SERCO, same beast but pay increases were in the contract, I had 2 years at Fuj with the yearly review put off for 6 months, then another 6 months, then another year...finally 1.5% after 2 years and 4.5% inflation....they milk the UK.Gov for millions yet claim poverty.....they bid in the List X ring fenced "we'll pay whatever you say" arena and charge extra for EVERY thing above telephone (india BTW) support, they even hire in skilled people to set it up, then put their own staff in charging MCSE rates for someone who took 9 goes to pass the ECDL.
They have buckets of money in the parent company, but none for the UK workforce.
Sooner UK.Gov realise they are better off in-sourcing and paying decent wages / training, the sooner the gov IT bill and project failure rate will drop, most outsource contract staff are not even able to afford the subsidised civil service canteens in their workplaces
"Sooner UK.Gov realise they are better off in-sourcing and paying decent wages / training, the sooner the gov IT bill and project failure rate will drop,"
Couldn't of put it better myself! Something needs to change, now on gov project #2 at an IT consultancy, same issues, bigger budget, bigger fail.
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Our industry is our industry, capitalism is capitalism, just deal with the reality of it for fucks sake and stop moaning.
I didn't think my pay raise's and bonus's were up to much, so I have left and am working for myself, as a freelancer, running my own company. Whether it works out of not remains to be seen, but I am giving it a go, and not sitting on my ass moaning...
I'm fairly young, been in the industry for 9 years, that's it. But I think there is a major difference in mentality over us "young uns" (up to mid 30's) and people a bit older (Over mid 30's). Us younger folk know we are expendable, we have no loyalty, absolutely none, for our employer because we are not shown any in return, we accept this. Older folk appear to think they have a "right" to stuff, job's, pay raises etc. You have rights to absolutely bugger all....consequence of living in a fiercely capitalist country. Move with the time's people, if you don't like where you are simply leave and get another job, if you can't, or don't want to, don't fucking moan about it. I hear this shit from people all too often, not just in IT....
Rant Over.
A country which has the NHS & the DWP and has a signifgicant Labour party following is "Fiercely" capitalist?
I think you'll find that the fiercely capitalist are in the minority, the most capitalist people I know are still keen on the NHS, an inherently socialist organisation.
It might be that they don't think before they open their mouths of course.
Of course we live in a capitalist society, you matter not one jot to your employer, Fujitsu, and any other public listed company has one mission only, to deliver for their shareholders. As long as that will be the case the bottom line is all that counts, and employees will continue to get stiffed. It doesn't matter what your personal thoughts on the matter are, whether you consider yourself a capitalist or socialist makes no difference, we live in the UK. Do I like the fact that fat cat's chase bonus's and short term gain over long term loss for the sake of their shareholders, no of course not.
Do I accept it, yes I do. I have chosen to go freelance so I am not subject to the poor pay raises and bonus's, anyone in IT can do it (if your any good), if you don't then that is your choice and you have to live with it. Get a new job, go freelance, or move out of the country, those are your options....take one of them or shut up.
I take it you have a problem interpreting subtleties then?
Like the difference between "fiercely capitalist", where there would be no benefits for the jobless and not a chance of healthcare for those with no money, and capitalist, like the UK.
Just because it's your opinion that everybody should only work for as money and they should only work for themselves it does not make it the opinion of everybody else, and fortunately so.
There are other options to becoming a contractor, that is why unions exist.
Good luck with the contracting, let's hope those skills are always in demand and that there aren't too many younger and smarter kids coming through to take away the work. I'm sure you'll do fine.
If you do have trouble though, you can always move country, you won't be missed.