Keep Calm...
... and Carry On...?!
At least someone's got a sense of humour :-)
As the Prime Minister condemned social networks for being "used for ill" this morning, police forces across the country sent a steady stream of tweets confirming arrests connected with inciting violence via the likes of Twitter and Facebook. "Three people have been arrested on suspicion of using Twitter and Blackberry …
It would be tempting to refer you to Sir Humphrey Appleby - but I'm at work and can't find the link right now.
If the choice is between a large bunch of skint and criminally minded morons rampaging on the streets, and a large bunch of skint, criminally minded, ex-National Service _trained_and_potentially_armed_ morons rampaging on the streets, which would you prefer?
"Education is the way out of this problem."
And most of the chavs I've seen don't want education.
In the forces they'd be subject to a strict formalised environment where they can be educated.
Its either national service, of bringing the SAS into our schools to impose discipline on these feral buggers.
Put the lot on a ship & send them to be 'Captured' by Somali pirates.
We don't have to pay for new prisons, the Somali's get tired of pirating because all they get is more scum to feed - everyone wins!
Ransom demands??? I'm sorry but the paperwork must be lost behind the insurance paperwork we are dealing with... come back in a couple of years.
OB Yes minister quote:
Now, suppose he argues that unemployed young people are, at the moment,
unfit, unorganised, undisciplined and untrained,
but that conscription will eventually release on to the streets an army of fit young people, all trained to kill.
They should be given donuts! Lots of donuts! Lots of donuts with extra, um, dough! And cream! And jam and...
Er... why? Well, enough donuts, and they won't be rampaging anywhere. They'll be marooned on couches, unable to move, and the Great British Donut industry will be thriving!