I prefer those large soda cups myself.
No phone required.
Not an app dedicated to the vicissitudes of India’s currency or an equivalent of Grindr for fans of watersports. No, RunPee is an app designed to tell when the best time is to dash out of a cinema auditorium and take a quick tinkle, without missing too much of the action. RunPee RunPee Films by date, name or search with an …
which will sound an alarm to wake you up at the exciting bits, tell you when need to put arm around girlfriend as it gets to weepy bit and the most important feature:
sound an alarm when to hastily leave the cinema as you have peeved off the rest of the audience who are currently looking for the appropriate blunt instruments to deal with you and your phone
The average film is, what, 2 hours? You seriously can't go 2 hours without needing to pee? Unless you have a case of the runs or similar affliction, it's not difficult for either sex with appropriate planning - go before you go in.
And if you have the runs, what the hell are you doing in a cinema giving your germs to all-and-sundry?
you can use "The Australian National Public Toilet Map". Or more correctly the "Dunny Diviner"*. www.toiletmap.gov.au . Not very mobile-friendly but it does work. For the UK there's: www.looseeker.co.uk. Again, strangely, apparently without a mobile version. I'm not a great fan of the everything as an app paradigm but this could be an exception. At least for the fact that you could have GPeeS integration.
*OK, I just made that up.