back to article Use found for Twitter and Liz Jones

Hats off to "DMReporter" who created a spoof Twitter feed for Liz Jones's trip to Somalia to cover the famine. For those not conversant with Jones' unique brand of self-obsessed, humanity-hating columns suffice to say that even Daily Mail readers occasionally feel the columnist needs medical help. Her recent work detailing her …


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  1. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Go Liz (and keep going)

    Her article on getting the jabs for Somalia was hilarious. Complaining that she couldn't get the jabs at short notice at a surgery she wasn't registered at who didn't know here medical history.

    Punctuated with typical "I didn't pay my taxes for these jobsworths to tell me what to do" type nonsense.

    1. Richard 116

      In case anyone missed it...

      ...there's brief summary here


    2. Graham Dawson

      Universal madness.

      What Mrs Jones (Miss? Ms? I don't know.) fails to understand is that, even if we had a completely private healthcare system, she wouldn't have been able to just waltz in to her doctor's office the day before leaving and demand jabs without providing medical records.

      She's actually a very good example of the entitlement mentality that causes so much trouble.

  2. DapaBlue
    Thumb Up


    The Daily Mail will now spin it and report of tax payer's money (Gift Aid contrib) being handed over to foreigners.

  3. Alex Walsh

    NHS rant

    I think it was the NHS rant she did the other week, where she complained bitterly that the local NHS doctors surgery wouldn't let her queue jump for Hep A and Hep B jabs the day before her trip to Somalia that bought the insane old harridan to the attention of those of us normal enough to never venture to the Daily Mail's website.

    Good work though. I'm sure a lot of other celebs would see the joke and match the donations, so how about it Liz?

    1. Annihilator

      You missed

      You missed how the only reason she had to go to the NHS was because she f**ked up with her private healthcare. She managed to piss off the "jobsworth" receptionist further by explaining that she didn't need to be registered and that they couldn't possibly require her medical notes.

      Waste of oxygen, turns into an (accidental) fundraiser - I'm torn!

  4. Alan 6 Silver badge
    Thumb Up

    This is a title

    This t-shirt says it all really

  5. Adrian Jones
    Thumb Up

    Absolutely brilliant

    Captured the tone and sense of self-importance of that mad woman perfectly.

  6. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    any sensible Dr

    Would have given her a homeopathic vaccine and told her she was vaccinated against everything.

  7. Anomalous Cowherd Silver badge


    I'd never heard of this woman until now, but she's just fantastic

    All this time I thought these people were exaggerations so lefties (myself included) could poke fun at Mail readers. But they actually exist, and they're so much worse than I imagined! And then they send her to Somalia to cover a famine?!? Sweet Jesus, it's like Christmas in August.

    1. Graham Dawson

      At that level, left and right lose meaning

      She's not left or right, she's the Axis Mundi.

  8. clanger9

    Excellent stuff!

    Very funny. Poking fun at the Daily Fail *and* all for a good cause!

    Donation sent.

  9. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    The People's Princess

    The tweet about people thinking she was Princess Di was p[articularly amusing.

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