There are people I want to actually talk to over Skype and there are other people whose kitten pictures I want to see. There is practically no overlap between these groups of people.
A bug involving the method Skype uses to integrate with Facebook creates a possible account-hijack risk, security watchers warn. The latest update to Skype – version 5.5 – released last week, contains closer integration with the social network, allowing surfers to track Facebook status updates and post wall messages from the …
to kill Skype. There's been a death-wish there for a long time.
It's bad enough having one's Skype account hacked into again and again and money removed from Skypeout -- but the total inability to the system to allow access to a sane human to restore one's identity just beggars description.
It's a pity, because it was a rather useful instant messaging system for worldwide contacts. Especially for communicating with busy people who can answer as and when convenient.