I knew 3DS sales were bad, but fire sale already????
Nintendo has confirmed it will slash prices of the 3DS by a third next month and offer current owners 20 free games, so early adopters don't end up feeling shortchanged. The global trade price will reduce from 12 August to combat subdued interest, after Nintendo failed to meet initial sales targets. How much of this reduction …
More like a price correction. I think most people see what horrible value it is, especially with the PS Vita appearing at the same price point as the 3DS did but with vastly superior specs. Nintendo may finally have conceded that people aren't going to buy mutton dressed as lamb until its prices comes down by a significant chunk.
they tried to get their heads 'just so' for the 3d, failed, and pushed the slider down to 'no 3d'. At this point they are playing with an expensive DSi - they already have one of those - so for my kids at least this was a no purchase for me.
And motion-enabled games? Have you tried to get your head in the 3d sweet spot for those?
Nah, forget it.
They have been selling the same crap with slightly different specs to moronic punters for years... But everyone loves ninty.... Their marketing people even created a cute name for themselves for people like CC to use all the time...
Still it's OK, as I'm guessing the limited edition pink 3DS will be out soon, pick them up whilst you can people....
like other companies don't do the same?
At least nintendo doesn't copy other companies
Look at Sony they said motion controls were stupid, and a gimmick when the Wii came out. Who came out with an alien sex device later on for motion controls?
Hell look at apple, and Microsoft too.
So I guess go get in line for your new iphone 5, or is it 6 that does everything an iphone 1-4 does in a shinier case. Then in 4 months go trade it in for the new iPhone 5 color that is all the rage...
3DS owner BTW that has not had one issue with the 3D, I use it all the time in games, and not had one issue in any of the 8 3DS games I own.
And for the guy bitching about them selling N64 games on it. If you don't like them don't buy them Nintendos not holding a gun to your head saying you must purchase it. There are A LOT of people who have not owned them, no longer own them, or just want them portable so they can play it on the go. I didn't own OOT on the N64(I do own a N64 still just was too young for a job back then) so when it came out I picked it up, and I will be getting star fox on release too.
rewrite history to suit, knowing that people won't bother checking.
Firstly I don't believe Sony ever said "motion controls were stupid, and a gimmick", infact it's rare you will ever see Sony commenting on what Nintendo or Microsoft were upto. All the mud flinging mostly comes from Microsoft's side...
Secondly, the PS Move controller prototypes predate the Wii controller by MANY years... It's actually likely that Nintendo are the copycats here, and just released a crap cut-down version rather than waiting and actually bothering to get the tech working. Check out this video from 3 years before the Wii was even dreamed of...
Thats so hypocritical from someone who comes onto this site and "flings mud" at anything that isn't Sony. You might post anonymously this time but your style shines through and we all know who you are. If Microsoft are so busy slating Sony, why is it only Sony shills coming on sites like this and flinging all the mud?? Nintendo made motion control fun. Face it, they did a better job than your financiers! Get over it. Stop getting red faced with anger every time theres a Sony story. What a douche.
Fortunately, these days we have the Internet that we can refer to as a kind of long term memory store...
A sony exec quote from the article:
"The controller is innovative, but the Wii is basically a repurposed GameCube. If you’ve built your console on an innovative controller, you have to ask yourself, Is that long term?”
(That sounds like exec speak for stupid and gimmick to me)
To be a success the 3DS needs good games as well as this price cut. Nintendo has actually told investors that it has a 'lack of hit titles' for the console: http://www.investoo.co.uk/nintendo-blames-lack-of-hit-titles-for-3ds-failure/
Soo what are they waiting for? Get on with it!
I've been consistently amazed that people have been prepared to shell out £25-30 on such technically limited games on minuscule cartridges for a while now.
Sure, there are some blinders that are possibly worth it but otherwise you're looking at a console saturated with SNES / N64 ports, weak movie tie-ins and otherwise absolute shit. Only now in 3D.
Thankfully platforms like the iPhone have come along providing quality gaming in the 69p-£5.99 region that offer proper value proportional to the size and limitations of the device. I still have my NDS knocking around somewhere and can honestly say I've not turned it on once since I got my 3GS.
I mean, Christ, a full blown multi-million dollar budget PC game is £30.
No point bashing Nintendo or its users base: many brands have a strong following of fanboys willing to pay whatever it takes to have the latest wiz-bang their fav brand will release. It's the case with Sony, it's the case with Apple, etc etc.
To be honest, if I was in their shoes, I'd try to rip off customers willing to overpay as well, and I'd say that any company that can afford to and don't are dumb. Welcome to capitalism.
If you don'tlike it, don't buy the products. I don't buy Sony, I don't buy Apple (I have a 2nd hand iPod Mini that I bought faulty and fixed), I do have a Wii (bought 2nd hand). Everyone is free to spend their money as they see fit, and if people willingly get ripped off, then that's their problem. I probably overpaid for some stuff I really wanted myself, but if in the end I'm happy with my purchase and found it value for money, then isn't everyone happy?