Wonderful, you can download 200Gb of pr0n and moviez at 500kbs for cheaper than NBN pricing. Similarly I could commute the 20 minutes to work on a motorbike for cheaper too, and it would only cost me 20 minutes extra at either end in changing clothes. If I wanted to take an hour to bicycle in it would be cheaper again! Cheaper is better, on your bike!
Next you compare dedicated wired bandwidth with a highly contested wireless connection. I regularly use both Telstra and Three 3G connections and even though the average bandwidth used on these services is tiny, you rapidly see the effect of bandwidth connection if a few people are trying to do a sustained download.
The NBN does not close the market, if someone wants to build a competing technology there is nothing to stop them doing so. However, most advocates of competition forget that stops at the outskirts of Sydney and Melbourne and no private telco would build coverage for 96% of Australia at even bandwidth regardless of the technology used. If you can get 90% of the income for 10% of the expenditure that's exactly what you do. You only have to look at the competing telco's mobile coverage to see how that works.
As for SME's, they're dying for a decent network at a reasonable price. The article mentioned TransACT and how hard it is to get numbers on business connections in general, here's a recent TransACT quote for comparison with NBN prices:
- 50Mbit connection
- 24 month contract
Installation charge: $10,000
Monthly charge: $1650
Download Supplied: zero
That's right, bandwidth goes on top of that. And the same company will do a 100/20Mbit connection for consumers for $149.95/month + bandwidth costs.