Screw 'Em
Educational market suppliers are some of the worst people on the planet. Extremely high prices on everything with regional, state, and local government contracts forcing them into paying the insane prices. The quickest way to save big tax spend on education is to eliminate those contracts.
An example: an 'Interactive Sensory and Spatial Skills Development Kit' cost over $500 - it is an unprinted brown cardboard box of 48 UV sterilized PVC plumbing fittings with numbers painted on them that children with developmental difficulties can fit together into different configurations. Just like plumbers do when they are bored. Cost at home store about $6.00 but contracts prohibit teachers from getting them from the home store, they have to buy from the "educational supplier".
Software is the same, crappy applications that have questionable value but teachers are forced to buy for the same contractual reasons.
Crap I say. All crap. Burn 'em to the ground.