Philips CDi
Can't see one of those in there.
Collectors take things to extreme measures, such is the nature of their interest. Videogame enthusiasts have a similar mentality. Therefore, imagine what happens when the two combine. While in Valencia last week, I ran into 'Sergiokillo' - as mentioned in my Campus Party roundup - a bloke who has spent a long time building up …
Pretty sure I had a Philips cartridge based console... quick google search and the one that looks like it is a Videopak G7000
@Micky1 - saw both a Master System and a Master System II in there under 3rd gen, with the atari 7800, Amstrad GX4000 and the NES - big question is, did he have the Sonic one, or the Alex Kidd one? Alex Kidd FTW!
I had one of those silver Galaxy boxes from his tabletop set, awesome game!
I was never lucky enough to have a Vectrex of my own but I remember the excitement as a kid, travelling up to central London on the tube, then playing on the ones in Hamleys.
In the early 80's the Hamley's basement was like an Aladdins cave of electronic wonders. Kids used to spend all day in there with free Vectrex, Atari, Intellivision, Astro Wars, etc. Magic times and far cheaper than going down to Heathrow Airport to play the arcade games there.
Impressive, but no Vectrex, or any of the Odyssey systems.
Magnavox Odysseys (1975-1977)
Odyssey 100
Odyssey 200
Odyssey 300
Odyssey 400
Odyssey 500
Odyssey 2000
Odyssey 3000
Odyssey 4000
Philips Odyssey Series
Odyssey 200
Odyssey 2001
Odyssey 2100
...He would need several rooms filled to the top with ATARI cartridges. And a shovel to unearth an ET cartridge from the landfill.
Hey, I can spot the Master System, try the lower left corner cabinet, with a red label across the front.
Can you spot a Neo Geo? or a 3DO? What about the 3 builds of Sega Genesis, 2 builds of Playstation I (X and One) 2 builds of PS2 (regular and slim)...
Someone needs to list all of them.
I'd rather be playing them instead of counting them.
Maybe I'm blind, but I can't see any of the 100s of variants of the NEC PC Engine (TurboGrafx in the US I seem to remember), definitely the best 8bit console ever made. I was lucky enough to write the Japanese Import column for a games mag when I was 14/15 yrs old... endless days wasted playing 5 player Bomberman. I've got several Engines up in the loft, along with my beloved Japaenese PC Engine handheld - first colour handheld I seem to remember, came out just after the first Gameboy They were as rare as hen's teeth over here at the time... nothing like making your mate's jaw drop when he sees you playing an arcade-perfect version of R-Type on the bus to school :-)
Jaguar, but no Jag CD
Sega SG1000
Original Famicon
JVC Wondermega
Philips Geopac 7000
Others have clocked the CD32 and CD>i. I dug my 32 out only last week to play Beneath a Steel Sky! It's impressive to see a PCFX in the collection, but I'd reckon there's probably better out there.
There is a SMS if you study the other pages (, but it's still not complete :
Possibly no Atari 5200 (not listed, can't see if it's in the Ataris), no Vectrex, no Tapwave Zodiac and no CD32. The absence of the Vectrex and CD32 are especially disappointing.
Still, that's a damned impressive collection in decent condition.
In the wide shot it appeared to be on the second from bottom shelf in one of the cabinets, but the close up's reveal this to be a Panasonic 3DO... I'd almost forgotten about 3DO.
Also, since he has both PlayStation and PSOne, if completeness is the aim then there should be 2x PS2 (fat + slim) and 2x PS3 (ditto - in fact arguably 2x fat + a slim, given that there were two gens of fat's prior to the PS3 going on a diet).
But that's probably being a bit picky. :)
I wondered the same, but he has a CBS (boxed), follow the link and see under '2ª GENERACION'.
One which he doesn't seem to have, and which took me months and months of eBay scouting to get hold of (back in my retrogaming days, long since sold on) is a GameBoy Pocket Light. See
Disappointed to see lack of Vectrex and original (white) PC-E. No collection, however extensive, can be said to be even 'near complete' without these.
A valiant effort, all the same. Boy am I glad I shook off the compulsive obsessive disorder a long time ago :D
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I remember "Simon" being a big saucer like thing with the obvious coloured buttons. I've only had a quick look, but I couldn't see it.
There was also a red multi-player game that I had in school, over 25 years ago. It was long and had a 3x3 control/light panel on it. It played multiple games. Split in to three "sections," the top section was the loudspeaker, teh middle was teh 3x3 section (consisting of plastic squares, inside each was a circle decal and inside that was a red LED) and the main control, which selected which game you wanted to play, was at the bottom. I think it took either 4 or 6 AA.
The red 3x3 was Merlin. It's already in the list of missing ones in an earlier comment.
Here' s a not qutie complete list of things missing from his complete list.
Besides the Atari 5200 that someone else mentioned, I noticed an even more egregious Atari omission. He has the 2600 but what about the original VCS from before it was sold by model number? There were six-switch and four-switch VCS models before the model number was ever prominent on the box.
Atari 2800 (Japanese only IIRC)?
I have an Intellivision. He doesn't. I don't have an Intellivision II, but neither does he.
I guess the Atari XL series, Atari Falcon, C64, C64c, C128, and Coleco Adam were too much general purpose computers to be on a list of consoles. Still, though, no Amiga CD32/Amiga CDTV? No C64gs? But he includes an MSX... Atari 400 was more console than computer, surely.
No Famicom or Super Famicom? No FC SuperTwin -- he has other clones, after all.
The standalone game consoles don't appear to include Pong, Atari StuntCycle, Coleco Telstar Combat... Atari Video Pinball?
Magnavox Odyssey s100 yes... Odyssey original? Odyssey 200? Odyssey 300? Odyssey 400? Odyssey 500? Odyssey 2000, 3000, 4000? Odyssey2?
Coleco Telstar? Coleco Telstar Classic? Telstar Alpha, Telster Colortron, Telstar Arcade, Telstar Gemini...?
Bally Professional Arcade?
Fairchild Channel F?
Zircon Channel F System II?
Vectrex has been widely mentioned...
Emerson Arcadia?
Coleco Gemini?
NEC Turbo Duo?
NES Model 2? Really? It's complete without that?
Sega Genesis 2? Sega CD? Genesis 32x? Sega CDX? Did I miss the $30 Genesis 3?
Pong? Super Pong?
Wonder Wizard 7702?
RCA Studio 2?
I see the Flashback, but no Atari Flashback 2?
He hasn't got a Sega Pico, interesting as it was the first Sega 'thing' to have an official Nintendo title. It was a gutted Mega Drive and the carts were like books you changed games by turning the cardboard pages. I bought it 2nd hand for my neices years ago.
I'm going to contact my neices to see if they've looked after it... and get it off them sharpish!
... there was also The Quickshot supervision (Try a google image search) - missing, but if he wants to buy one from me I still have mine...!
Zaxxon table top
mario cement factory tabletop
cd expansion for TG-16
There's lots of very early (late 70s) machines missing from there, most notably the "Grandstand" ones I remember in Dixons and Debenhams, and the early "Battle Chess" console.
These machines had a fixed set of games within them so I'm not sure if the collector would class them as consoles.
Sega Teradrive, Dreamcast special editions (any of them), Famicom or any associated hardware such as the Disk system, Famicom Box Hotel edition, Super famicom (inc satellaview etc): 64DD, Gen 1 Neo Geo CD, MSX, most of the game and watch games, gameboy light... the list of missing consoles is rather exhaustive!
Not to say its not an impressive collection, but this guy is further away from a 'complete' collection than he is close to completing it!
Looking through Sergiokillo's console collection, it looks like he is also missing an Atari 5200 SuperSystem, which was released by Atari in 1982. ( I see that this person does have an Atari VCS/2600, a 2600, and a 7800, but I do not see a 5200 listed anywhere on the page. The Atari 5200 is probably one of the slightly more overlooked Atari consoles, but according to Wikipedia there were still over a million of them sold (and I almost bought one myself at a classic gaming convention that I went to last week), so they can't be very rare.
Another more rare Atari gaming console that is also missing from the collection is the Atari XEGS. ( The Atari XEGS was released by Atari in 1987 and based on the guts of the Atari 65XE personal computer. I can't quite remember, but I don't think that I have ever seen an Atari XEGS in person myself, but I know that they are out there. In any case, while this guy's gaming console collection is certainly impressive, as many others have already noted here it is by no means complete.
I know it's been mentioned, but when I saw the article, it was the first one that came to mind as a unique console. No I have never owned or seen one, but I did see the advertisements when I had a ZX81, and thought of it instead of the ZX Spectrum I ended up buying.
I would have thought a CD32 would be an obvious one to have. Even rarer was a CD32 I came across, on eBay I think, that looked like rack mount for an arcade machine apparently.