back to article Apple to release Mac OS X Lion on Wednesday

"We are very excited to be launching Mac OS Lion tomorrow," Apple CFO Peter Oppenheimer told reporters and analysts during a conference call on Tuesday, when discussing his company's most-recent financial results. If you plan to install "Here, kitty, kitty, kitty" on Wednesday, do remember to first upgrade Snow Leopard to …


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  1. deadlockvictim

    76bn in cash

    » That pile has now grown to $76.2bn.

    Dear Ireland,

    Please elect | bribe | encourage Steve Jobs to come and be your iTaoiseach (while he's still alive). He'd be insanely great and might help put the consequences of the last few governments' behind you.

  2. xpert_con
    Thumb Down

    I see no such update

    I am in the UK and do not see a lion update.... 10.6.8 installed on my mac mofo n nothing I think Apple are toying with us...

    1. Da Weezil

      Too early in the day?

      I'd expect to see this go live during business hours in the U.S.

    2. jai

      Apple aren't based in the UK

      When Apple say Wednesday, they mean Wednesday in Cupertino, not in London.

      It's only 00:45 in Cupertino at the moment, so you're going to have to wait for at least 8 or 9 hours, assuming they release it first thing.

      More likely, they'll release it during the middle of the day, so it'll be late evening for us.

    3. Graham 25

      Well duh ....

      Perhaps Cupertino isn't actually on the 20th yet ?

      Apple always release on Apple time, not Greenwich.

      1. Mark 65


        and I think I'll be waiting at least a couple of months for the potential conflicts/failures to be known and rectified first. As well, of course, as being able to read any reviews that inform whether it's worth it or not.

  3. s. pam

    How to create bootable 10.7 image

    Found this link on a BSD list I'm on and thought others would find it helpful as Apple won't be supplying physical media any longer:

    Pretty easy to do to have a copy for your safety...

  4. Dana W

    We are WAITING!

    The update will come, I noticed that if you go to Apple's site and try to read about OS X, all the links are for Lion.

  5. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward


    Lets see if we can get an entirely baseless rumour going.

    This "product transition" is really "we're buying microsoft... and shutting it down!" ;)

    1. Ted Treen

      And furthermore...

      ...our new Veep I/C Office Furniture is Mr Ballmer...

    2. Dan Beshear

      "Apple buys M$"

      If ONLY it were true.

  6. Anonymous Coward

    The switch to electronic distribution is an enormous mistake. >>>

    Where are we fanbois going to queue to get the latest stuff?

    1. jai

      not so

      isn't there free WiFi at the Apple Store?

      i'm going to queue outside with my MacBook and download my upgrade there.

      (of note, every time there's been an OS release, it's been raining in London)

    2. Anonymous Coward
      Thumb Up


      I, for one, welcome our new digital distribution overlords.

      Last time I ordered an operating system on one of those funny little plastic discs it ended up at some delivery depot 15 miles from my house and was a pain the cherries to go and pick up. This sounds a whole lot easier.

  7. Joey

    Word is...

    ..that Lion will launch at 8:30am Cupertino time. That's 4:30 in the UK. Interested to know why they don't stagger the launch across the World instead of having EVERYBODY in a massive Denial of Service attack!

    1. Dexter Berlekey

      Saw it live about 20 mins ago

      I checked just after 2 UK and it was up, downloading now

  8. Sorry that handle is already taken. Silver badge

    Know Your OSX Meme

  9. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    iphone shmiphone

    My Desire S pisses all over it.

    I'm so sick of hearing the Apple Ads. Oi, If I dont have an iPhone it's cause I dont WANT an iPhone.

    Oh, and yes my phone can be a boarding card or translate a lunch menu. What can't be done on an Android phone that can only be done on iPhone? Nothing that I'm concerned about.

    Seems to me that after what, 3-5 years or Apple marketing, the majority of the populace are starting to see through it like glass. Eventually, you'll not want to be seen with iphone because you know everyone else will be thinking 'What a MUG'

    1. Toby 10

      Re: iphone shmiphone

      Not quite sure what that has to do with a desktop OS. But I suppose I should accuse you of being a hater-girl and try and tell you why you'd be happier with an iphone and then you could counter with something about how the millions of people who buy apple products are deluded sheep and I'll say something about how I'll never come to you for business advice then. We'll go round in circles getting lots of thumbs up and thumbs down and people will c&p our argument so that they can reuse it next time there's an Apple article on The Register to save themselves the typing.

    2. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      re: iphone shmiphone

      "I'm so sick of hearing the Apple Ads. Oi, If I dont have an iPhone it's cause I dont WANT an iPhone."

      And I'm sick of fanboys bleating on about how they're soooooo much smarter than anybody who buys different products - but wouldn't it be boring if we had what we want?

  10. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward


    Why has an article regarding Mac OS got iphone in it?

  11. Nameless Faceless Computer User

    Don't do it

    Do not upgrade to Lion this week else you will be flushing out bugs from their operating system for months. Here are some gems from past 10.x.0 releases:

    Plugging in an external hard drive tends to wipe out all the data on it.

    External drives tend to disconnect themselves causing data corruption.

    Firewire 400 hardware failing completely after upgrading.

    It seems that every year Apple tends to let more horrors slip past their "quality testing." Don't be a statistic. Wait a few months and set a Google Alert for "10.7 problems"

    1. Giles Jones Gold badge


      Never encountered an OSX bug ever!

      Do Microsoft and others never have any bugs?

      Everyone has bugs, why should Apple be any different? they at least have less problems from dodgy 3rd party drivers to worry about.

    2. launcap Silver badge

      re: Don't do it..

      .. you obvously missed the news about all the pre-release developer builds..

      I've been upgrading my OS X machines for the last couple of releases and never encountered an issue. Doesn't mean I won't, just that it's very very rare.

    3. jai

      re: Don't do it

      Really? Cos i've never encountered any of those errors that you mention and I've been an early adopter of OS X releases since the first 10.1 release.

      Have been using the pre-release versions of Lion for the last two months and they've been fine. Stop scaremongering!

    4. The Fuzzy Wotnot


      Been running 10.7 for about 3 weeks, no problems so far. Not saying there won't be, almost gaurantee there will something in there for me but so far it's beeing working better and those who I have spoken to who also have 10.7, say it's far faster than previous versions. Even my 70 year old father hasn't found one problem and likes it better, he's a grumpy old cumudgeon who is never easly pleased!

      I completely agree though, never use GA versions of software, especially in production environments but this is home desktop OSX and I couldn't wait!

  12. spudmasterflex


    Sorry i did read that as grumpy old cumguzler, my bad.

  13. Jay 2

    I think I'll wait...

    I think I'll wait until at least the first combo update is out, just to be on the safe side. Plus by then it might be possible to aquire 10.7 without having to do a 4GB(!) download which at the moment will probably take all day and will cost me an extra £5 when I exceed my monthly bandwidth limit!

  14. xpert_con

    Its on!

    Its ON! download away!

  15. Anonymous Coward

    USB Stick

    Anything on the rumour someone told me that Apple will be selling Lion on a USB stick in 2 weeks for twice the price of a download?

  16. Anonymous Coward

    Hold off if you're using AD

    We're using Active Directory 2008R2 and having just upgraded my mac to 10.6.7 and then 10.7 it no longer plays nice with AD. Hopefully Apple fix that gaff ASAP!

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