back to article Beyonce bigs up girls in space

The crew of space shuttle Atlantis were this morning treated to a wake-up call from Beyonce Knowles, who blasted out a snippet of Run the World (Girls) followed by a salute to women in space. She said: “Good morning, Atlantis! This is Beyonce. Sandy, Chris, Doug and Rex, you inspire all of us to dare to live our dreams, to …


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  1. jake Silver badge

    Beyonce, you ignorant bint ..

    Sandy's no "girl", she's a woman ...

  2. Destroy All Monsters Silver badge


    Being a woman in space is dangerous. You *will* be chased by lusty starfleet captains, aliens that try to procreate their species through of laying of eggs in chest cavities or mafia killers out to keep the drug business going on faraway mining moons. Not to mention renditioned to heavily armed Space Gitmo because you might be a member of a terrorist organization.

    Stay at home, keep your gonads away from radiation and let SAL9000 stand in for the female side, if you insist.

    1. Marvin the Martian

      Yes, but what have these poor astronauts done to deserve this?

      Are they even allowed to turn the communication link off? NO!

  3. Hardcastle the ancient
    Paris Hilton

    this is the 21st, right?

    I thought we were past all this sexist rubbish. Sandy Magnus may happen to be female, but to me she is an astronaut, a very noble and brave thing to be.

    That the only thing this silly little pea-brained singer can find to say about an astronaut is that she is a "girl" tells you a lot more about the silly little pea-brained singer than about Ms Magnus.

    Ye glods, I thought we were in the future now!

  4. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Beyonce, what the fuck?

    When did our civilisation sink so low that we need a woman whose position has been determined primarily by being well fucking tasty and marrying a powerful man to "big up" a woman who has actually done something incredible and extraordinary with their life and become an astronaut?

    For shame, society, for shame.

  5. tom 24

    Oh yeah, I remember Beyonce...

    Beyonce. Yeah. That's kinda cool...I guess. But very "five years ago." Then again, so is the shuttle.

    1. Robert E A Harvey


      To the best of my knowledge she has never bothered my 'earoles.

      An astronaut is worth ten million manufactured pop vehicles.

  6. illiad

    hey peeps you decide.. :)

    guys, what do you think is 'hotter' ??

    "sexy girl" or "sexy woman" ??

    the rest: how much does this matter that beyonce called you that??

    I think it is only those who lack confidence and understanding that would worry about it...

    1. jake Silver badge


      A sexy woman, by far. The concept of "sexy girl" is silly, at best. And somewhat disturbing, to boot. Once/if you grow up, you'll understand.

      Until then: Back tae English class wi'ye!

  7. J. R. Hartley

    They should change the alarm sound to

    Uh-oh uh-oh uh-oh oh no no

  8. Gannon (J.) Dick

    If you like it ...

    ... you should have put an O-Ring on it.

  9. Andy Livingstone

    Same sub-editor?

    "Bigs up"? Any chance of sticking to English?

    1. JudeKay (Written by Reg staff)

      Re: Same sub-editor?

      It's house style, homeboy. Check yourself before you wreck yourself...

      Peace out (and please do send word, a nice cuppa, and some biccies to your mutha)

      1. Chris Parsons Silver badge

        Why do I need a title to reply to a post?

        Jesus wept.

      2. Anonymous Coward


        There's a reason John Foster didn't sing falsetto.

  10. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    What else do you expect?

    Beyonce: well known man-hating big-gobbed arse wiggler. And... that's about it!

  11. Robert Carnegie Silver badge

    Someone else suggested a while back

    that when the astronauts land, we should all wear chimpanzee masks.

    Being told that while you were off-planet, it is now being run by women, isn't in quite the same league, nor is it the end of the world (another common sci-fi topic, for the unfortunate astronauts to watch the planet set itself on fire beneath them - no more lemon-soaked paper napkins on the way from anywhere now), but it would be a significant change. For the better, probably, even if only because it'd probably reguire a universal testosterone famine to bring it about (to misuse "testosterone" for "machismo" as we usually do).

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