Low Orbit Helium Assisted Navigator
works for me!
The El Reg Special Projects Bureau team is greatly obliged to all of you who chipped in with suggestions as to just what our audacious rocket-powered spaceplane project should be called. If you're not yet up to speed on the successor to the Paper Aircraft Released Into Space (PARIS) project, then you can check out our intitial …
Your "space plane" is not getting anywhere near low orbit -- not in altitude and certainly nowhere near in speed. So how about: "Low Orbit Hopefully Achieved Next" in expectation of you next project.
But if you want the acronym to be somewhat relevant to the actual problem, I may suggest "Largely Optimistic Hare-brained Aeronautic Nerdgasm". :-)
I think the LOHAN - Low Orbit Helium Assisted Navigator is the best option
I think you should also commemorate Lindsay's leg wear the infamous The alcohol bracelets — called SCRAM for Secure Continuous Remote Alcohol Monitoring. I think that this SCRAM device should be the same of the separation system between balloon and space plane.
SCRAM - Separation of Connection for Rocket Assisted Maiden ??? Ill let the tech boffins thing of something less terrible
"Low Orbit Highly Autonamous Navigator" gets my vote because:
* "Low Orbit High altitude" seems a bit redundant - since "low orbit" rather implies "high altitude"
* "Helium Assisted", while accurate, isn't really the distinguishing feature of this project over PARIS - which was balloon-launched too. What sets it apart is it's ability to fly itself back home*, so surely that should go in the backronym?
* Of course, whether it will manage this is another question! Here's hoping...
While we seem to be marching down the LOHAN road, I'd like to alter my previous submission for WILL & KATE to something that, fittingly, stresses their symbiotic nature while recognizing their unique and separate roles in the project!!!
More pertinently though... C'mon Lester, this eRag is all about the science (well, mostly all) and you're going with Low Orbit for reasons of hype and/or backronymic convenience? Why not call it Lightspeed Over Hispania Accomplished Nonchalantly while you're making claims? Won't somebody think of the pedants?
If you've already composed a fistful of smutty puns and LOHAN it must be (although as a gentleman, I remain fond of the none-more-blonde Playmonaut Audaciously Rockooned Into Space but hey, series of disappointments and all that, we move on...) I beseach you to replace this Low Orbit fallacy with Launch Of in the name of accuracy.
And another thing... it's a small spaceplane, not a map reading dude, so how about calling it a Nanoplane? Launch Of High Altitude Nanoplane seems to describe the project fairly well.
/Grumble. Good luck with the project, whatever it's called.
...because we’re not doing anything like orbiting, we’re strictly aiming for altitude, not horizontal speed. However, the craft (on liftoff) will be lighter than air:
Lighter than
Or, aiming for more 1337 points through recursion:
(“Navigator” also works, but “Namesake” is a nice wink at the recursion.)
...I have drafted up some rough plans for a design concept; starting with an R/C foamy flying wing (1500mm span), saw it in half and insert a cylindrical body which bears an uncanny resemblance to a “personal massager” (for obvious reasons) and which contains the avionics. This connects at the nose to a carbon-fiber mast to a pod containing cameras (which will be lost, so they record onboard the plane) and either four, six or eight Aerotech E15 ammonium perchlorate composite rocket engines (details at http://www.jetboyrockets.com/motors/detail/23/) in a conical configuration. The wings will be hinged at midspan with a passive elastic tensioner that will deploy them after the engines burn out; there will be aluminum covers over the leading edges that will protect the servos etc from the engine gases and which will fall off as the wings unfold. This means the wingspan is only 600mm or so while the engines burn and 1650mm after unfolding. If you’d like to see a .dxf, email LOHAN@jetboyrockets.com and I will send it out.
well, since most seem to be ignoring the choices of the given selections, it would be rude of me to do otherwise, so i humbly submit three entirely new yet not nearly original and under no circumstances to be considered seriously entries:
1. for the sake of diplomacy, complacency, and stuffed-shirtedness:
Least Offensive Handle Available Nearby
2. for the interests of gentlemen of normal appetites and good taste:
Leer and Ogle Happily Alcoholizing Nymphette
3. and finally, for the pleasure of the mean-spirited who started drinking before i did:
Laugh Over Hardly Acting Naughtynaut
thank you.