Earth's Tilted Axis
Good Bloody Point!
I would just like to mention that some things are bloody obvious, whilst others aren't that much so.
Remember, there is also heat from the core which will gradually cool over billions of years. Or so we think. And we also have to deal with *what* actually retains the heat in which we receive from the sun by ways of radiation.
Ultimately we are dealing with an extremely complex system. We as individual human beings are complex enough, and we are part of something greater.
There is a lot to be said about the Gaia hypothesis without going to the touchy-feely tree hugging level, and whilst I do not believe global warming/cooling/whatever FOTM is solely due to us humans, one cannot deny the fact that we have truly left our mark on this planet, and definitely have altered the balance one way or another. Deforestation. Mining. Industry.
We have even altered ourselves.
For better or worse, and I say this with great caution, and worry lest it cause any misinterpretation: we have removed or changed evolutionary selection pressure on ourselves.
I, for one, do not know for certain if I would be alive today were it for advances in medical science.
I maintain it took us god knows how many thousands of years living in the wild as hunter gatherers till civilisation and the industrial and now information age. These last bits happened very rapidly in our brief span of existence here on Earth, no more than a wink of an eye.
In this brief period, we have deforested thousands of square kilometres of jungle, forest. Strip mined. Caused entire species to have gone extinct. Nearly wiped ourselves out. We now number nearly 6 x 10^9. (Not going to go into the US versus European Billion issue).
Have we evolved mentally enough to deal with what we are capable of doing?
We may be smarter or cleverer collectively but are we any the wiser?
What do we do then? This is open for debate.
No matter what the argument is about CO2 and current theory of why the boffins think our climate is all fucked up, I think the wisest thing to do is nevertheless to try and minimize any sort of impact we have on our Earth.
Tread softly. This is easy to say but hard to do.
We only have one earth. Remember, we have wiped out more species and changed the face of our planet recently probably more than any other single species ever had, that we know of.
I do not believe taxes are the answer. I certainly do not want to pay them.
Personally I think the answer lies in our future generation and what they do.
But I have *NO* idea what to tell them, apart the need for restraint and wisdom, vague advice at best.
Ummm... Hope the Culture comes and rescues us? Nah.....